Best wishes for New Year Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 01.01.2010 22:44
Best 2010 !!!  Spirit Of Squatters Collective  Awakening Best wishes for New Year In the new year 2010 We wish you all: Happiness, Peace, Love and Freedom We wish you, that together we would change climate for better. We wish you that all people and animals would be free from cruelty, deportation, prejudices, exploitation and all other bad things. We wish you, that You would fulfill your Good dreams . We wish you successful actions We wish you life satisfaction And most we wish You, that you will do everything to realize those dreams. That You will never give up in the fight for them. That You would always seek that, they became true. If You will do, we believe that You would achieve a beautiful victory. You would win yourselves. The biggest changes are begining from the single being. Changing ourselves The longest way starts with the first step. Thats what we wish You. Changing Your universes for better. After would be easier. E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |