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LAPPERSFORT CALLOUT FOR EVICTION lappersfort - 07.01.2010 16:42
On December 31st 09, a judge of the Brugge court ruled that the eviction notice passed against the occupiers of 2002 may still be used to evict the present occupiers of the Lappersfort On Tuesday last week, a representative robot from Fabricom GTI was quoted in the media saying that they would follow the judicial path, and were planning to sit down and discuss the eviction with the Brugge police. This claim that they will follow the "legal" path isnt something we're relying on, and we are expecting an eviction any day now. This morning (Thursday 7th), the police snipped open part of our fence and broke their way in to the forest. Four of them had a little piggy tour, taking photos and being generally mysterious and stupid. One of us heard them sneaking around in the night, which means they must have cut the fence at night then snuck in during the morning. As the police start doing such things here, and the fact that Fabricom Suez already has an eviction notice, can only make us think that the eviction is just around the corner..... IN THE FOREST, WE NEED MORE HUMANS WILLING TO STAY HERE A WHILE AND DEFEND THE FOREST AGAINST THE POLICE IN CASE OF EVICTION. OUTSIDE THE FOREST, WE NEED MORE HUMANS WILLING TO SUPPORT FROM OUTSIDE, TO COME TO BRUGGE AND DEMONSTRATE ON THE DAY OF EVICTION, AND TO TAKE SOLIDARITY ACTIONS AGAINST FABRICOM GTI AND GDF SUEZ. FOR A FREESPACE IN THE WOODS AND FOR THE WOODS, AND FOR WILDERNESS EVERYWHERE, LAPPERSFORT WON'T GO OFF WITHOUT A FIGHT..... PLEASE TRANSLATE AND SEND ON THIS CALLOUT E-Mail: lappersfort@riseup.net |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | lappersfort politiebezoek | Victor - 07.01.2010 19:44
Donderdag nacht en donderdag ochtend kwam een team van de Brugse politie met kaart en fotoaparaat een wandeling maken door het bos. Ze knipten eerst een stuk van de omheining door en daarna wandelden ze, al nota's nemend, door het bos. De Flikken zijn blijkbaar niet bang van de koude, zijn de anarchisten dat wel??? | |
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