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Memorial For Gaza Victims in Amsterdam-video Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 09.01.2010 19:44
link to video  Spirit Of Squatters Collective Today in Amsterdam on the Dam about 100 people came to the memorial for the victims of Gaza that were killed last year by the Israeli army.Here is the video from the memorial.
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/01/memorial-for-gaza-victims.html That was solidarity action with the Palestinians. The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! For the mainstream media if they would like to get the best quality they can contact us... E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
aanvullingen | christenen | nn - 09.01.2010 20:07
en alle christenen die vermoord worden door palestijnen? Oh, dat vinden we geen item voor indy media. | 18 januari: 1 jaar na oorlog in Gazastrook | @@ - 09.01.2010 21:13
18 januari wordt een global free screening georganiseerd van de film "to shoot an elephant". deze film is een verslag van een van de weinige onafhankelijke ooggetuigen tijdens de oorlog in gazastrook van vorig jaar. de film wordt in NL onder andere getoond in de Piraten bar (Scheveningen) en in knoflook ('s Hertogenbosch; http://knoflook.verenigingontspoord.org).
| soldaten= murderaren | mgriks(at)gmail.com - 10.01.2010 09:08
about 1400 killed. More than 300 children, more than 95% civilians for just 13 soldiers. Beside of that soldiers are always murderars, not christians, but hipocrits and very bad people. No troops to Afganistan Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com | |
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