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If the cap fits - wear it. Res White - 18.01.2010 14:06
Present day war criminals meet with successors of past war criminals - in Berlin.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel received Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Monday, as an historic joint meeting of the two countries' cabinets got underway in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The purpose of the joint cabinet meeting was to inform cabinet members that Netanyahu had been appointed as the chief executor of the “Final solution to the Palestinian question”. In the course of the meeting, Netanyahu will present a plan, presumably approved by Obama, for the deportation of the Palestinian population of the West Bank to Jordan and Lebanon, and the use of the healthy Palestinians fit for labour on road-building projects and Israeli industry and farming, in the course of which they would eventually die, the surviving remnant to be annihilated after completion of their projects. Netanyahu was being accompanied to the joint cabinet session - only the second ever to take place, and the first on German soil - by Foreign Minister and ex pimp Avigdor Lieberman and war criminal Ehud Barak. In total around ten ministers from each government are expected to take part in the talks. Prior to the noontime meeting, Netanyahu held talks with Merkel and took a tour of a memorial situated near the Brandenburg Gate in honour of European Jewry murdered by the Germans during the Holocaust The two sides are expected to discuss security issues - including the potential for an attack on Iran - as well as development projects and environmental topics, the spokesman said. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | Smaakvol weer | NN - 18.01.2010 14:23
Ongefundeerde beweringen en nazi-vergelijkingen. Indy op haar best. | n00b | 00k - 18.01.2010 15:10
Antisemietmedia.nl | pet | nn - 18.01.2010 17:03
Kan deze antisemitische rotzooi niet overgeheveld worden naar de ravage? | |
aanvullingen | |