Letter to China: Google hypocrisy, facing criminal charges Marc DeRuijter - 25.01.2010 18:31
Powerful letter received today by China, exposing the hypocrisy of both Google Inc and USA gov't - who are both criminally charged in Belgium, over illegally censoring the journalism sites of a US dissident in Europe, as part of a US-CIA scheme to murder him - so aren't Google and the US gov't, both dishonest frauds in complaining about 'internet freedom' in China? For background on the criminal charges recently filed in Belgium, against Google and the US government and other parties, see the following:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2010/01/64740.shtml Here is the text of a letter received by the Chinese embassy and government today - a letter to which, it seems, Google and the US government do not have any honest reply: * * * His Excellency Mr Zhang Yuanyuan Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Belgium 443 Avenue de Tervuren B-1150 Brussels Brussels, 25 January 2010 Re: Criminal charges filed in Belgium against Google Inc, US government Google illegally censoring European websites to aid US-CIA terrorist crimes Attacks on Chinese citizens & nation, aided by Google Inc and Wikipedia Your Excellency, With respect, I present to you some information about criminal attacks on China and Chinese interests, and the hypocrisy and lies of Google Inc in the current US Google attack on your nation, attacks backed by the CIA, which itself provided funds to aid the growth and development of Google. Here in Belgium, criminal legal actions have been filed against Google Inc, the US government and judges, and Wikipedia, and several other parties, regarding their guilt in terrorism crimes to murder a European citizen in Belgium. Very specifically, Google Inc has repeatedly violated Belgian and European laws, illegally censoring search results to help the US commit criminal and terrorist acts in Belgium. Google has criminally agreed to help the CIA to illegally control the internet in Europe, to aid in spreading lies to help commit terrorist murder, with myself as the victim, given that I was one of the world's leading journalists on US legal corruption. The same techniques are being used by Google to hide US terrorist crimes, to harm China and Chinese interests and Chinese citizens. Wikipedia is likewise a proven CIA tool to help the US do political harm to other nations. Several thousand pages of written evidence and criminally incriminating e-mails, clearly establish the guilt of Google as a criminal tool of the US regime. Google's terrorist crimes against me include not only blocking my own websites to help murder me, but also helping the US and CIA to spread lies about me to try and destroy me, lies published by US media companies and US college professors, lies that always trace back to financial sources tied to the CIA and the political friends of George Bush. Enormous money is spent to try and silence and destroy me, with the criminal actions of Google Inc to block my journalism and 'erase' the truth about me from the internet, as the centre of the criminal scheme. My background is that I am a Harvard University graduate classmate of current US leaders, and I know one of President Obama's advisors personally who now supports murdering me. I have seven degrees from three universities, and I was a popular book author on US corruption. Inside the US, a group of corrupt US high judges, threatened to torture me to death in a US jail, to silence my journalism about a disturbed financial provider to George Bush. As the US judges threatened to murder me, and extorted me to pay money to the judges' friends, I barely escaped alive from the USA. Whereas in China you are making a brave attempt to confront corruption, even among judges, in the USA it is the opposite: All the resources of the US regime are devoted to murdering or destroying anyone who significantly confronts the crimes of the judges. Even a New York Times reporter was shot to death on the street shortly after writing criticism of the judges. Though I myself escaped to Europe, the US government has continued criminal and terrorist attacks on me here, including sending me computer viruses direct from US government offices. Despite the attacks, I became one of the leading journalist figures on US legal corruption; my writings gave comfort to thousands of people around the world, who are victims of the US system. Among other topics, I have written journalism about criminal US government attacks on Chinese citizens inside the USA. But as my journalism on US corruption became too popular, the US rulers and the CIA, increased the efforts to murder me in Belgium, and Google became the central part of their criminal scheme to murder me here. Google agreed to censor and block all my websites and their journalism from internet search results, to help murder me, and to erase my journalism and totally destroy my reputation. Google accepted fraudulent and illegal 'orders' from the same group of US judges in Virginia, USA, who had originally threatened to torture me to death, and about whose corruption I had been writing. With the aid of American media companies such as CNN and the CIA-controlled Wikipedia, but with Google as the centre of the criminal project, the US forces mounted a worldwide defamation campaign against me, to slander me with a lie that I am a mentally disturbed 'stalker' of George Bush's financier friend, who had paid for the initial threats to have me murdered. The plan of Google Inc and the CIA, was to spread such vicious and pervasive defamations and lies about me, that everyone would be intimidated from helping me, and that it would be impossible for my reputation to ever recover from the slanders. Google quickly agreed to both erase my own writings, and to help spread these false 'stalker' stories to destroy my journalism and my entire life. In this moment where Google is falsely claiming to be favouring 'internet freedom', they are simply lying. Google is in favour of 'freedom' only as it serves the US regime and the CIA otherwise they will censor sites to help murder innocent people in other countries. Google will obey US orders to help the CIA to murder me here in Belgium, so they will clearly obey US orders to help commit criminal and terrorist acts in China. Related to the criminal terrorist role of Google, is the criminal terrorist role of Wikipedia, another CIA-backed enterprise. Both in attacks on me, and more generally, it has been thoroughly proven that CIA entities operate with full unleashed criminal power on Wikipedia. Abusive e-mail I have received from 'Wikipedia administrators', has come to me directly from the CIA contractor Dynacorp Dyncorp, and Wikipedia has for many years allowed George Bush's friends to use Wikipedia to spread lies about me, and to erase my own self-defence and make the slanders about me dominant on the internet. Clearly Google Inc is a complete hypocrite and fraud in its current controversy with the People's Republic of China. I am looking forward to the criminal conviction of Google in the courts of Belgium, for its criminal role in committing acts of terrorism. Your Excellency, I realise that with all the political implications of my having filed criminal charges against both Google and the US government, that you may not directly reply to this letter. But nonetheless, I give you this information, so that you may be clear about how Google and Wikipedia, are both CIA enterprises that will not hesitate to commit criminal and terrorist acts against the Chinese nation and Chinese people. In Brussels I always enjoy my encounters with Chinese citizens whom I meet here, and I send you my best wishes for the people of your nation. The independence and strength of the People's Republic of China, will be one of the most important positive factors for world stability and development in the years ahead. With very best wishes, Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs
L.Sachs@journalist.com (public e-mail address, used with permission) * * * For background on the criminal charges recently filed in Belgium, against Google and the US government, as referenced in the above letter of Dr Sachs, see the following:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2010/01/64740.shtml - Marc DeRuijter E-Mail: deruijter.marc@gmail.com |