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Everything For Everyone!For the social Revolution krise.blogsport.de - 27.01.2010 22:37
The Protest-Plenum Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) calls for a demonstration claiming “university is belonging to everyone – our lives in our hands”. The social revolutionary and anti-national league is supporting this demonstration and calls for a participation.  Everything For Everyone!For the social Revolution The Protest-Plenum Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) calls for a demonstration claiming “university is belonging to everyone – our lives in our hands”. The social revolutionary and anti-national league is supporting this demonstration and calls for a participation. Not only in the system of education, in schools, universities and kindergartens people are grasping the nettle, demonstrating and squatting houses to fight against the bone-crashing conditions in these institutions. But also trainees, people in the Hartz-4 program (a special kind of German social security), workers, ecologists and immigrants are fighting against a world which is only knowing one thing: losers! Unfortunately most of the actions and claims of the fights are stuck in the logic of capitalism. Most of the students claims can be understood as instructions to those who are in power. Those claims are targeted at a „better“ and more efficient way of producing workers for the “Standort Deutschland”. Also in workers struggles it is often mentioned that workers and capitalists are together in this boat. Among this logic the reduction of wages appears adequate and acceptable to save jobs. We won‘t accept and engage in this way of thinking and ‚fighting‘. We want an abolishment of the wage system and not just higher wages. Education, research and teaching which is free from capitalistic interests and authority. A city, which serfs for more than working and consuming. A healthcare system which is directed towards the welfare and the need of the people and not the efficiency and usability of them. The possibility of a good life for everyone shows itself in the antagonism of on the one hand plump stores, stockrooms and pharmacies and on the other hand countless people starving and suffering. Changes for a better system and the restructuring of the world towards the welfare of the people won‘t be reached by appeals to the state or asking for the blessing of the market. Against the alignment towards the “Standort Deutschland” and the exclusion from social processes we propose a solidary fight for self-determination and appropriation – everywhere where this battle must be fought and always with the perspective of a complete different reality, beyond governmental, national and ideologically forced collectives and practical constraints of a capitalist economy. Our Live In Our Hands! For The Social Revolution! Join the Demonstration on the 30th of January in Frankfurt am Main in Germany 14.00h Bockenheimer Warte, Uni Campus Bockenheim www.krise.blogsport.de www.unigehoertallen.tk |
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