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Dinsdag 20.30 Burma VJ in de OT301 nn - 01.02.2010 12:07
Aankomende dinsdag 2 februari in de Cinema van de overtoom 301 wordt de film Burma VJ vertoond. Coming Tuesday 2th of Februari @ Cinema OT301 will screen the documentary Burma VJ  About the movie BURMA VJ Going beyond the occasional news clip from Burma, the acclaimed filmmaker, Anders Østergaard, brings us close to the video journalists who deliver the footage. Though risking torture and life in jail, courageous young citizens of Burma live the essence of journalism as they insist on keeping up the flow of news from their closed country. Armed with small handycams the Burma VJs stop at nothing to make their reportages from the streets of Rangoon. Their material is smuggled out of the country and broadcast back into Burma via satellite and offered as free usage for international media. The whole world has witnessed single event clips made by the VJs, but for the very first time, their individual images have been carefully put together and at once, they tell a much bigger story. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days of September 2007, when the Buddhist monks started marching. more information about the movie: www.burmavj.com Entree 4 euro Website: http://www.ot301.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | |