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latest news from greece @@ - 10.02.2010 12:22
latest .A woman, 29 years old, was arrested early the mourning for throwing a molotov coctail to the Corfu island's pigs' station at 01:05 during the night. The pigs blame the woman also for throwing stones against the front-glass of public pigs' station the night before. She is already beaten up heavily during the "questioning" and tomorrow she will appear in front of a prosecutor. .Responsibilty announcement for lootings of four luxurious cars in Evosmos district of Thessaloniki on 4th February. The action in solidarity with the last arrested person accused as member of "Conspiracy Cells of the Fire". .Delay of migrants' trial who were arrested on 30th December during the christmas evacuation pigs' actions in the center of Athens and blamed for "resistance", "disobedience" and "damages against other's property". The eye-witnesses who blame them, two pigs and a cafe's owner, did not appear in the court. Since the same date, one more migrant is kept arrested because he did not have official papers that legalize his presence in Greece. He is also characterized as an "extremely dangerous person" for the greek authorities because of the other three persons accusions. .The trial for the case of Alexandros Grigoropoulos' murder will start from the beginning on 17th February. It is possible that the asassin, E. Korkoneas, will be released from prejail custody because of the continues delays. .During the afternoon, 50 anarchists/antiauthoritarians entered the conference room of Nikopolis Hotel in Thessaloniki in purpose to cancel the "Industry 2020" conference that used to take place there. The speechers of the event were the economy's minister, the industrialist Mylonas, the head of Eurobank and other legal mafia creeps. A plakat was rised up on which was written "War against the bosses' war", slogans were spoken out and flyers were spreaded. As the comrades were on their way out of the building they threw Potatoe-Bombs* in the room and so the event was canceled because of the bad smell. Video of the action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNrvjVceK_4 * Recipe for Potatoe-Bomb: We peel some potatoes and we put the peeled outer parts of the potatoe in a glass-jar. We add water or even better piss (it smells better with piss), we close tight the jar and let it rest for two weeks. Looting mechanism at the Agricultural Bank of Ioannina town during the last night. Yesterday, farmers from 12 highway and boarder-toll-stations blockades who decide independantly of any syndicalist leadership, among them also the Farmers' Antiauthoritarian Movement, decided to keep on their blockades all around middle and north Greece. The rest of the farmers with hyrearchical syndicate stractures have decided before some days to delay their actions, waiting for the government's movements. Website: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1130738 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa media militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Aanvulling | NN - 10.02.2010 13:42
Public sector strike paralyzes Greece Submitted by taxikipali on Feb 10 2010 09:47 The 24h public sector general strike supplemented by private sector strikes has brought greece to a standstill with no airplanes flying in or out the country. It is the first big strike in Greece since the announcement of the austerity measures by the socialist government last week. And it has managed to bring the country to a standstill: the 24h strike of the public sector under the union umbrella of ADEDY has seen a complete freeze in the following fronts - all civil servants, including tax offices, social security, municipal and county workers; all doctors and nurses (except emergency personnel); all teachers at all school grades and all university teaching staff and personnel; all archeological sites (Acropolis shut); all air traffic control (no flights in or out of the country). Also in the means of mass transport, rolling stoppages of work are being performed in the National Railway System, and the suburban railway system of Athens. The public sector strike has been further supplemented by strikes in the private sector. PAME the Communist Party umbrella union has called a 24h strike affecting large sections of the private sector, while at the same time several Autonomous unions have call a strike further hampering the private sector. The latter include: the books and printed material workers of Athens and the workers of Wind Telecom. The PAME strike is affecting a big range of private business that cannot be accurately reproduced here but include: Carrefur-Dia workers, elevator maintenance workers and construction builders. It is worth noting that all hydrofoil transport from Peiraeus and Igoumenitsa to the islands has frozen due to the strike. At the time of writing different demos and strike related protest marches are unfolding in various cities of the country. In Athens, tension built up between protesters and the riot police forces (MAT) when the former tried to break trough police lines with the help of a garbage collecting vehicle. Lat Monday, in relation to the austerity measures, anarchist broke in the central conference of the industrialists association of north greece on whose panel sat the Minister of National Economy. The protesters held banners against the sold out union bosses and soiled the conference with the help of "rotten-potato bombs" and other foul smelling devices, disrupting its procedures. Reactions to the austerity measures are expected to augment after the announcement of the new tax scheme and in expectation of the social security reforms, a front that has in the past caused mass and massively dynamic protests in the country.
http://libcom.org/news/public-sector-strike-paralyzes-greece-10022010 | |
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