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save your pennies – sell your shares as long as possible! udo ruhren - 16.02.2010 21:09
during the last year the equity prices disconnected completely from the trends of real economy. so a new „bubble“ accured and its going to burst soon. this all follows a scenario, which has been tested successfully during the last great depression....  udo ruhren during the last year the equity prices disconnected completely from the trends of real economy. so a new „bubble“ accured and its going to burst soon. this all follows a scenario, which has been tested successfully during the last great depression. in the last great depression there has been more than one stock market crash also. after the first crash in october/november 1929 the big investors and their paid journalists managed to rise the eqity prices from december 1929 to may 1930 again using faked data about the economic situation of the united states. so they fooled the us-citizens a second time. after that the national and international economy fell into the great depression. some big investors that sold their stocks at the right time became very rich and had the power to buy lots of companies during the following depression and many citizens lost all they had and lived in poverty for many years. and this is what they try to repeat at the moment! who likes it a little more pictorial may have a look at the dax-charts (german sock-index):
http://www.ruhren.ch/texte/daxverlauf.pdf (source: Deutsche Börse AG) you may also take regards on the great leaps since the 90's, which were mostly caused by global stagings of politics economy and media and manipulation by big investors, who made billions of dollars with this financial circus. but the really dangerous part of this chart-graphic is the actual rising of stock prices in 2009! in the year of the biggest economical crisis since 80 years the stock prices rised again into astronomical altitudes while the real economy decreases! this only was possible through the flattering description of the economical situation in all western media and politics! and now please compare the whole situation with the situation in spring 1930, shortly before the final crash of us- and global economy:
http://www.taprofessional.de/ausgaben/Crash-von-1929.htm (last picture) because of the approaching bankrupt of greece a new stock market crash is almost unavoidable. our german government so as many other european governmets want to support the instable greek financial system with the tax money of european citizens to save the investments of many leading european and international banks, like the deutsche bank, etc., that borrowed greece billions of dollars with hig risk and high interest to show the public and their stock-holders that they can make large profits even in the current financial crisis. so the bankrupt of greece will affect many international banks that haven't completely overcome the crisis of 2008 yet and therefore may cause a domino-effect on the global financial market. the ones that don't want to see the signs now, may loose lots of money! during the next weeks the big investors will sell their equity stakes and make large profits while the media will whitewash the situation to hold the large numbers of small investors and with this secure the selling prices for the big investors who paid them (same procedure as any time). the big will win, the small will loose almost everything. this is the hard truth behind our so called „free market“ and our so called „free media“: it's all paid manipulation since many years! so if you want to save your money, sell all your stocks and equity funds as long as it's possible to step out without large losses. there's no need to panic. fear is a bad advisor. the current negotiations with greece will probably continue until march. in this period they will try to stabilize the market with economical an political strategies. so hopefully we may have stable and good selling prices until then and therefore have enough time to manage this problem in a rational way. this time we have the chance to save our money, so we (the citizens of all democratic countries) will be able to buy large parts of our crashed economy by ourselves and reorganize it in a democratic way. this may be the only way to survive the end of the age of oil for many of us! this article was boycotted manipulated and banned by indymedia germany for several times because of pressure from our political and economical elite. as i published on my website and other free media that indymedia germany may have become an instrument of the censorship of our fascist economy the last trial of publication was successful at first.... but when too many people read this article and sold their stocks it was banned again. you can proof this on my german newssite, where i published the links to my banned articles. this shows that the situation is very serious. please think about the current economical situation, the rules and „mecanisms“ of stock market and the historical exemple and you will find out on your own what's the best for your own future.... because of my experiences with censorship i fear that this article maybe banned by the editorial teams of so called „independent“ media sites of other countries too. so if you think, that this information ist important please help me bringing it to the common people who are fooled by the official media. you may copy and mail or repost it on your profile or simply tell everyone about it.... thank you! udo ruhren original version (english):
http://www.ruhren.ch/index(en).html original version (german) with many evidences on :
http://www.ruhren.ch respectively actual on my new newssite:
http://udo-ruhren.yourfreehosting.net/news.html E-Mail: udo.ruhren@gmx.de Website: http://www.ruhren.ch |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa globalisering media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | |