[Amsterdam] Queeristan 2010 queernl - 01.03.2010 17:18
Queeristan 2010, op 27 en 28 maart in Amsterdam, is een festival vol debatten, films, kunst, eten, een queer demonstratie, een queer feest en nog veel meer! Queeristan 2010, on March 27 and 28 in Amsterdam, is a festival filled with discussion workshops, films, political art and exhibits, vegan food, a queer march, a queer party, and much more!  Queeristan 2010 is een festival vol debatten, films, kunst, eten, een queer demonstratie, een queer feest en nog veel meer! De drie discussiesessies over verschillende politieke onderwerpen worden geintroduceerd door experts en zullen uitmonden in een discussie en eventueel de oprichting van werkgroepen. Zaterdag eindigt met het feest 'Creatures from Queeristan' en zondag gaat Queeristan de straat op om de diversiteit van gender-identiteiten en sexuele oriëntaties van iedereen te vieren. Dit wordt een open, niet-commerciële parade en we nodigen alle individuen, LGBT-groepen en activisten op andere thema's uit met ons mee te doen! Queeristan 2010 is a festival filled with discussion workshops, films, political art and exhibits, vegan food, a queer march, a queer party, and much more! The three discussion workshops on political issues facing the LGBT/queer people in The Netherlands will feature panelists and a general discussion, leading towards the formation of working groups. Saturday will end with the queer party 'Creatures from Queeristan' and on sunday, Queeristan will take to the streets, celebrating the the diversity of gender identities and sexualities amongst us all. This is an open, non-commercial march and we invite all individuals, LGBT groups, supporters, and activists working on allied struggles to come join us! PROGRAM SATURDAY 27 MARCH 13:00 / Homonormativity, commercialisation of gay culture, and class [Repoliticisation of the LGBT community and establishing links with other struggles. Increasing commercialisation of gay culture and in particular, Amsterdam Canal Pride and its lack of any politics of emancipation.] SATURDAY 27 MARCH 16:00 / Sexism and Transphobia [Sexism and Transphobia in society at large, as well as within the LGBT people. How to facilitate gays, lesbians, trans and bi people to share a common political and social space.] SATURDAY 27 MARCH 22:00 / CREATURES FROM QUEERISTAN (PARTY) SUNDAY 28 MARCH 13:00 / Racism, LGBT asylum and migration rights, homophobic violence and islamophobia [LGBT asylum laws and its links to immigration rights. Racism as evidenced by the immigrant LGBT community. Patterns of homophobic violence, racism and islamophobia, and their perceptions in society and in the media.] SUNDAY 28 MARCH 16:00 / Closing Session SUNDAY 28 MARCH 17:00 / QUEERISTAN IS TAKING TO THE STREETS (DEMO) E-Mail: queernl@gmail.com Website: http://www.queer-nl.org |