How To Detect Infiltrators and Observe Covert Police Misconduct Patrick Henry - 04.03.2010 03:43
I-HOW TO SPOT THEIR PEOPLE: It is significantly more difficult to detect police spies in the flesh, than in a vehicle laden with tradecraft, but it can however be done. There are four ways I know of to accomplish this. They are verbally, emotionally, behaviorally and visually. - **This article is for information purposes only, please DO NOT POST COMMENTS** I-HOW TO SPOT THEIR PEOPLE: It is significantly more difficult to detect police spies in the flesh, than in a vehicle laden with tradecraft, but it can however be done. There are four ways I know of to accomplish this. They are verbally, emotionally, behaviorally and visually. Verbally: *This usually involves some sort of questioning, which can be hard or soft. The goal can be to find out what you know, discover your motivation, pin a motivation on you, or to entrap you in a criminal activity. If someone asks for your help and continuously fails to define what help he or she is requesting, this is a dead giveaway, especially if the topic is potentially sensitive or controversial. You may also receive an email of a similar nature. In both cases, tell the sob to “get bent” and leave or block their email, immediately! Emotionally: *Their emotions are not spontaneous. His or her emotions appear to be driven by something in the back of the mind, an agenda perhaps. Perhaps the need to avoid detection. *A stranger at one or more of your activities or civic organizations, will treat you like you're their new best friend, but when you try to return their bonding behavior, they will often be emotionally “flat.” *The same individual as above seems to be a little too enthusiastic about the activity and appears to be “smoozing” everyone, as if running for public office. It has been documented that police spies have been elected to the presidencies of Civil Rights organizations, so that the police will always know what they're planning, so they can ultimately disrupt it. *In general, people who want to harm you or your organization will take an unusual interest in you or your organization. As the saying goes, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” If it sounds or feels to good to be true, “it is!” Non-Verbal Communication Coughing: UC Cops and the civilian spies that work for them often communicate with each other by coughing so as not to make bystanders aware of them. This is an old “Cold War” trick. I have personally seen and experienced it being used in the following ways: *To get someone's attention. I have seen a UC Cop riding the Metro in LA, use this method of communication to get the attention of the bus driver. *To point out a target. The UC Cop will cough whenever the individual he's trying to illuminate passes, so that his colleagues will know who the target is. *To harass a target. This is similar to the above except it gets done to the target all day long, wherever he goes, so as to create a persistent state of fear in the targeted individual. This can also be done by groups of people and is a form of persistent taunting. This can and has driven people to attempt suicide, myself included. *As a greeting. I have seen a UC Cop and a civilian spy exchanging this instead of a handshake. Hand Signs and Other Gestures *Stroking the nose. This is often done to identify oneself as a police officer. An attentive cameraman caught Candidate Barrack Obama making this gesture to someone in the audience. *Stroking the back of the head. This is sometimes accompanied by raising a hat. Generally used to indicate a target directly behind. *Patting the stomach. This indicates that the target is moving away. A hand lying flat on the stomach indicates the target is standing still. Both hands on the stomach indicate that the target is returning. *Opening a briefcase or backpack and removing papers. Is a request by one UC Cop to speak to another's supervisor. I read this in an online article and the author's comments seemed sensible so far, so I actually tested this one. I must have been nuts, but here's what happened: When leaving the Woodland Hills, California “El Toritos” Mexican restaurant, I noticed a man in his mid thirties seated on a bench outside. He didn't appear to be waiting for anyone and no one was sitting with him, so I got the hunch, he might be one of them. I had a backpack with me, filled with paperwork from work, so I opened it in front of him and started pulling out some of the paperwork. You should have seen the “eyes pop out of his head!” Then I put my paperwork back in my backpack and bent over to tie my shoe indicating that my cover had been blown. He started busting out laughing. His good humor however didn't save me as I was harassed on the two buses I had to take to get home. *Bending over to tie a shoe. This indicates that the officers “cover” has been blown. Here are some alternate definitions: 1. Watch out! Subject is coming - touch nose with hand or handkerchief 2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking - stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly 3. Subject standing still - lay one hand against back, or on stomach 4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened - bend and retie shoelaces 5. Subject returning - both hands against back, or on stomach 6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents - take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents. Visually: UC Cops and Civilian Police Spies often wear clothing items that are considered tradecraft, intended to identify them to others “in the know.” Examples of this are: *Baseball caps. I've seen a lot of black ones and ones that have a white band on the edge of the brim. *Shirts, jackets and hats from specific sports teams. In Los Angeles, the “LA Raiders” emblems are popular and here in San Antonio the “Texas Long Horns” and “SPURS” are as well. Don't get hung up on these, these are regional and can change immediately. Notice the patterns. If many people appear to be dressed similarly, they are for a reason. This is a uniform. *American flag t-shirts, sweaters and lapel pins. *Shirts with specific designs, such as flames. *Many others... ****Once you've identified a UC Cop or Civilian Police Spy, observe who they associate with and the network will unfold before your eyes. These are the infiltrators, the ones you must remove from your organization and warn others about. II-HOW TO SPOT THEIR VEHICLES: Police and others use specific ways of marking their vehicles. This is called "Tradecraft." Below are some of the markings most commonly used. *Pine Tree Air Fresheners (Verified by Texas Department of Public Safety. This is decades old) *Crooked license plates *Broken, bent or twisted radio antennas. *One missing headlight or taillight. The headlights can be controlled independently. I had this demonstrated for me in a very disturbing manner. (I believe these are called “Wig-wags.”) *One headlight or taillight brighter than the other. (This is a variation of the above). *No lights at all *One missing parking or fog light front and or rear *No front plate *Missing hubcap or hubcaps *Very dark tint jobs and extremely bright headlights often on a white car with black trim. Vehicles configured this way are often used for escort work, but I've been stalked and harassed by these, so I'm including them. *Handicapped Placards hanging from the rear view mirror *Handicapped license plates (Apparently preferential parking is one of the perks of intelligence work) *”For Sale” signs, these can be on a placard or written in marker or chalk, usually on the rear windshield. *Beads, flowers or anything else unusual hanging from the rear view mirror *Toys on rear deck *Hats on the rear deck that never move. *Anything at all on the rear deck that appears to be there for display. (Most people want to remain anonymous in their vehicles. To do otherwise is telltale.) *Various types of decals *Antenna decorations, sometimes called “antenna balls” *Holiday or Christmas decorations, especially red ribbon on the radiator grill. I saw these locally and on vehicles in Afghanistan on CNN *A vehicle with a custom rim different then the other three custom rims. *Vehicles playing very loud bass (The SAPD has a sick looking pink pickup truck with dark tinted windows) *Various types of dents. The “PIT Maneuver” dent is the most easily recognizable. It consists of a dimple on either the right or left corner of the rear bumper. *A vehicle so badly damaged that it shouldn't be on the road at all *Driver’s door different color than the rest of the vehicle. These are usually black-on-white. *Open trunks *Also, two or more “identical” vehicles in terms of make, model, year & color, traveling in close proximity. For instance two or more silver Nissan pickup trucks, White Chevy Tahoes, Blue and Gray Honda Elements. These vehicles will usually not carry any other tradecraft. In general anything that makes a vehicle look out of place, even a little. When evaluating a vehicle for tradecraft, use the hit system. The more tradecraft elements you count on a single vehicle, the more likely you have a bogie. I have had limited world travel to Venezuela, Mexico and have watched CNN. From my limited experience, vehicular police tradecraft appears to be universal globally. *Also, cafe style motorcycles with one headlight on, on a two headlight bike. The riders will be wearing full leathers. You may sometimes see the riders wearing rigid backpacks. These are most probably RF jamming devices. See below: The below sites have been taken down since I've been posting: **Use of Vehicle Lights as Pointing Devices: *Turn Signals. The right and left turn signals can be used to point to an object, a person or another vehicle, just by activating them, when passing or being passed by the target. *White Reverse Lights. When motionless, the white reverse lights can be used to point to a target directly behind, just by placing the vehicle in reverse and back to park, usually several times. *Red Brake Lights. When moving, the brake lights can also be used to point to a target directly behind, by tapping them repeatedly, so that the driver of a companion vehicle can see the target you're pointing at. *Headlights. The headlights can be used in a similar manner, by flashing the bright lights on and off, or the headlights can be turned off completely and back on again, repeatedly if necessary. Hand Signs: I'm aware of three *Driver’s hand outside the window pointing down at a 45% angle, like the Latin American gangs. (The SAPD has been using this for the last several days since I’ve been posting this article. This is actually very clever for them, since this is essentially “retractable” tradecraft.) *Something similar to the above using a cigarette. I believe it's called, "show us your smoke." *Hand straight up touching the top of the driver’s window sash. **PRINT AND SAVE THIS CHEAT SHEET. IF YOU DON’T SEE IT TODAY YOU WILL EVENTUALLY. This stuff changes daily. If you spot a vehicle with tradecraft don't assume it's traveling alone. They often travel in groups of two or more. Look for the others. They are extremely dangerous. If they catch you looking at them and they know who you are, they'll run some pretty ugly "psyops" on you. And, if you're unlucky enough to be in a position to impede their movement, you may be run off the road. I was. My goal in providing this information is to help you detect and be able to bear witness to police harassment and other forms of police misconduct. Our police have never behaved more criminally and are especially likely to do so, when under the cloak of anonymity. Learn to observe, so you can be the judge. III-HOW TO SPOT THEIR TACTICS: Vehicular *A vehicle or vehicles will pass your residence, workplace or wherever you happen to be playing loud bass, with no music. *Several vehicles will pass your residence, workplace or wherever you happen to be and honk their horns whenever they pass. This might be one at a time or several together in a single file line. *Tailgating. This is extremely obnoxious, reckless and scary. This can be done by one vehicle or by pairs. I've personally experienced both. On the highways in Los Angeles, I've been tailgated at high speeds and when I slow down to let the tailgater pass, she and her partner slowed down with me. I then pulled off to the side of the road and they both pulled off with me. Of course I wrote down license plates. About ten minutes later they finally left. When I reentered the highway, I was tailgated by another pair of vehicles. Desperate, I described this phenomenon to a California Highway Patrol officer. He escorted me outside and the next words out of his mouth were: How did you get “targeted!” *Mimicking. Leaving when they do. Usually parking lots. *Two vehicles will work together. The lead vehicle will stop in front of the second vehicle and the second vehicle will honk to get the first vehicle to move. This is just an excuse to honk their horns at your location. This will happen repeatedly throughout the day. This can happen in front of your place of residence, your workplace, beside you or in front of you while you are driving on the street. This will usually be in a place where you can see them. Traffic signals are an excellent opportunity for this. *There will often be a person or persons at your location that will summon an ambulance to your location. This is so they can keep lights and sirens around you frequently and they often block your exit from a location. *Police patrol cars will often pull over one of their own UC (under cover) vehicles at your location, again so they can keep lights and sirens around you. *Staged accidents will occur in your direction of travel, to impede your journey. There will often be something telltale about the accident, such as there being no “skid marks” on the ground, no scrape marks on either vehicle, indicating that at least one of the vehicles was not moving at the time of impact. Also, with these staged accidents, there is often no “debris field” as you would expect in a normal accident. Odd placement of the vehicles during the accident, such as perfect 45% angles and perfect symmetrical blocking of a lane or lanes. *A vehicle behind you at a traffic signal, will honk or turn their bright lights on you, while the light is still red. *While making an unprotected left turn, the vehicle behind you will honk for you to go, before opposing traffic has cleared. This is a deliberate attempt to involve you in an accident. Residential: *If you live in an apartment, one or more of your neighbors will usually always be playing loud music, even when they leave. Banging on the walls, the ceiling above you if you live below someone, slamming doors and making whatever kind of noise they can get away with. *Neighbors in an adjacent building or home will have loud parties and calls to “noise abatement” will never bring a response, or the second time you call the noise will stop immediately. *A person in the room or apartment below you can deliberately set a mattress fire with a cigarette. *Shared washers and dryers will never be empty and you will always have to do your laundry away from home. *Street Services may block your vehicle in with signs or other obstacles, so that you will not be able to move your car or you will have to physically move the object such as a sign to get out. *The street may be torn up in front of your residence often using jack-hammers or other loud equipment. Workplace: *You may find several of your coworkers continuous coughing when they pass you or doing so in adjacent cubicles. UC Cops use coughing as a form of non-verbal communication and this is done as a form of intimidation. *There will be lots of loud noise at your location, such as doors and file cabinets being slammed, heavy items being dropped, etc. *Someone with a particularly annoying habit or habits will be invited by management to share your cubicle, while you are in it. *Strangers will show up at your work meetings, often wearing clothing items that are associated with under cover cops. Gym: *The equipment you normally use, will continuously be under repair, disrupting your workout routine. *The shower stall you normally use will always be under repair or closed for cleaning. *The toilet you normally use will always be getting clogged. *The handle or handles of the sinks you normally use will be forcefully broken off. *Someone may pull the shower curtain of your stall open to ask you a question, or to cause some other kind of interruption. Commute on Public Transportation: *The bus or train driver may accelerate or brake rapidly, when you're getting up or trying to sit down, so that you'll fall. *An approaching train may sound it's horn continuously when approaching you, instead of sounding it in bursts. *The light above you on a train may be the only one turned on in the entire car and this will happen after you sit down. *If your train car is equipped with hologram projectors, which display advertisements when going through tunnels, yours will be the only one turned on. (The LA Metro Red Line is so equipped). I have experienced this personally. *Other passengers on the bus or train will continuously make unpleasant noises or gestures associated with UC Cops, such as stroking the nose, or back of the head. *Keep in mind that modern trains are extremely well surveilled and the cameras can be used to keep track of a single person, not only on the train but on the platform as well. Appointments and Reservations: *People will show up and harass you, when you have a set appointment, which has usually been made over the phone or the Internet. This is proof positive of an illegal wiretap. They will usually come to your doctor's office or other appointments, often are there before you and appear to be carrying on “no business.” They will often if not “always” get up to leave exactly at the same time you do. ****The goals of these harassment tactics is not to disrupt criminal behavior, but to “disrupt activities of daily living,” such as going to work or to the gym and “life processes,” such as eating and sleeping. This is essentially a slow execution and it leaves no traces of evidence. I can guarantee you that “every” police department that has a covert apparatus large enough to carry this out, uses these tactics on whoever they choose to target. While this can be done anywhere, the big cities are much more likely places for this to be carried on. IV-POLICE WEAPONS OF TERROR: Laser Dazzler: LAPD Sonic Blaser: They also have vehicle mounted units that can produce earsplitting noise, even when wearing hearing protective ear muffs with an NRR (Noise Reduction Rating) of 30, which is the highest. These are made by “Howard Leight.” |