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Rozbrat Stays! Protest in Den Haag Spirit Of Unity - 23.03.2010 22:52
Protest in support of Rozbrat Squat. Thursday (25.03) at 15 o'clock in front of polish embassy. Address: Alexanderstraat 25, Den Haag  The auction of the grounds where Poznan's Rozbrat squat is situated will take place on 26th March at 10 a.m. Since January 2008, when the bailiff came to the squat for the first time, we have managed to keep the squat, through different legal actions and protests. If nobody buys the ground on 26th March, the next auction will take place within the next 2-3 years. That is why this is a critical moment for us... More info about situation:
http://www.rozbrat.org/news-in-english/648-rozbrat-the-final-strike-demonstration-on-20th-march |
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