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Solidarity with squat Rozbrat - Den Haag Spirit Of Unity - 26.03.2010 23:00
25.03. there was a solidarity action in front of polish embassy. Around ten persons came to show support for Rozbrat squat. Police said that our action is illegal. We were only allowed to give our letter to polish ambassador, but we were not allowed to hold a banner "Rozbrat- Zostaje/Is Not For Sell" Our letter ends with words "We are observing with anxiety situation of Rozbrat squat in Poznan. In this place thanx to involvement of hundreds of people exist very active political-cultural center, which is an example of grassroots social initiative. We as squaters experienced loosing of squats countless times, those places were co-created with big amount of our energy and time. We are determined to support effort of Rozbrat collective in their struggle for keeping Rozbrat squat. Solidarity is our weapon!!!" P.S. Today came very good news from Poznan. Nobody was interested to buy ground were Rozbrat squat is located. Next auction can take place over one year...struggle continues! |
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