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De wereld in gijzeling. Deel II: De Zwarte Adel en eerste mo www.anarchiel.com - 30.03.2010 21:25
Artikel op basis van 25 jaar onderzoek van ex-MI6 agent Dr. John. Coleman, het onderzoek van Professor Shlomo Sand, het werk van onderzoeksjournalist & Commander of the British Empire Arthur Koestler en anderen. “Enkel driehonderd man van wie elkeen weet dat al de anderen het lot van Europa bepalen. Zij selecteren hun opvolgers vanuit hun eigen entourage. Deze mannen hebben de middelen in hun handen een einde te maken aan de staatsvorm die zij onredelijk achten.” (politicus en zakenman Walter Rathenau in Die Wiener Presse). De wereld is in gijzeling. Sinds de kredietcrisis breiden de banken hun macht in sneltreinvaart uit door niet langer enkel de derdewereldlanden maar álle naties aan een wurgend schuldinfuus te koppelen. Het doel is gecentraliseerde totaalcontrole. Het banksysteem is daarbij het fundament in de manipulatie naar een wereldregering. De macht van de bank is mogelijk omdat het bancaire geldsysteem is gebaseerd op een fantastische misleidtruc waarbij een selecte groep uit het niets ‘geld’ creëert. In deel II de volgende etappe van vrijheid naar wereldfascisme.
http://www.anarchiel.com/display/de_wereld_in_gijzeling._deel_ii_de_zwarte_adel_en_eerste_moderne_bank |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | NWO | nn - 30.03.2010 22:00
 de joden,zionisten,Rothschilds en de aristocratie hebben het maar weer mooi voor elkaar.jammer dat de vrijmetselaars deze keer niet ter sprake kwamen. | NWO | NN - 30.03.2010 22:07
The New World Order This planet is controlled by just a few people, they are the Elite families of the world. They are said to have the God given right to rule. This is because of their bloodline. This all started many thousand's of year's ago when an alien race came from the heaven's and interbred with man. This produced a hybrid race that were the Babylonian's, the Pharaohs of Egypt who later spread out across the globe to become the Roman Empire, through to Europe to become the Aristocracy and the Royal families, and all other world leader's. The Elite families of the world are seeking total global control. This mean's centralisation of power, a world currency/digital currency, one world leader, one world army and a new world religion. This agenda has been going on for many millenniums and it is now almost complete! Once the New World Order is in place it will require everyone to take a micro-chip implant which will be linked to a Global computer, without the chip implant you will not be able to buy or sell anything. These micro-chip's will hold all of your personal information like your medical detail's, your address, your description, NI number, driving license, criminal record etc. It will have a GPS tracking device that will be able to track anyone anywhere on this planet. It will also be an electronic currency as coin and paper money will be phased out. These micro-chip's will be linked to a huge massive computer, which already in existence and is located in Brussels. This monster computer is known as the "Beast". In the book of Revelations chapter 13 verse 16 it say's "The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the beast's name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for a human name. Its number is 666". Those that refuse to take the implant will be taken away to military camp's to be used for slave labour and to be exterminated. After this has been achieved their plan is to reduce the world's population by 80%. This was Adolf Hitler's dream, this is what he was aiming for. Hitler was funded in World War Two by Prescot Bush the grandfather of the current President of America George Bush! Hitler was also a member of a Secret Society called the Skull and Bones, George Bush is also a member of the Skull and Bones so is Bush Senior and his Father before him was also a member. Bush has openly admitted he is a Skull and Bones member. The New World Order will be exactly the same as Nazi Germany! | Bush | nn - 30.03.2010 22:29
Wou alleen de vorige nn laten weten dat George W Bush al een tijdje vervangen is door een andere president. Zijn naam is Barack Obama. Google hem eens. Verder jammer dat je de Vrijmetselaars vergeten bent die horen volgens mij echt thuis in dit rijtje. Verder hoort dit soort racistiese Alluminium hoedjes rotzooi hier toch echt niet thuis. | Obama is the beast | nn - 30.03.2010 22:52
The bible states that the beast will have the number 666 associated with it. It does not explain how to calculate the number; however, this association must exist if one is to believe the prophecy. The name Barack Hussein Obama can easily and obviously be identified with this number: his name has 18 letters. This calculates to 3 x 6 or 666. This is such an obvious association that most people will dismiss outright arguing that there are many persons whose name has 18 letters. That may be, but it would be difficult to find a person who has all the other qualities in addition to the numerical 666 match. | NN | NN - 30.03.2010 22:55
Ja anarchiel dat systeem heet nu kapitalisme, in plaats van complottheorieen te spuwen kan je dat eens op je libertarische blog plaatsen. | number of the beast | nn - 31.03.2010 08:37
OMG! George Walker Bush jr. ook 18 letters! Er zijn twee beasts! | NWO | ZZ - 31.03.2010 08:52
ja, leuk artikel weer!! en Beatrix is een Reptilian, die net zoals Elizabeth II van de UK shape shift en in et geniep kinderen verorbert!! het is gelukkig bijna weer Koninginnen dag | . | NN - 31.03.2010 11:38
 Opgeruind staat netjes Koninginnedag? De antifascistische agenda 2010 heeft een beter onderwerp voor 30 april! 1945 Nazi's heulen. Hitler ist tot. Das Schwein hat sich das Leben genommen.
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