Zo 4 april, Politieke Zombieavond bij Schijnheilig schijnheilig.org - 02.04.2010 14:08
Zondag 4 April / Sunday April 4th: Schijnheilig presents: Boekpresentatie 'Stay Inside. Close Windows and Doors', followed by the screening of George A. Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead' (1978). A night of gore, zombie slapstick and alienated entertainment!  Ever since the release of George A. Romero's zombie-epic Dawn of the Dead, the zombie has become a comical figure of cultural critique. In Romero's film, zombies wandering aimlessly though a suburban shopping mall serve as a grotesque representation of contemporary consumerism and alienation. Presently, artists Klaas van Gorkum and Iratxe Jaio have started their own brand of zombie critique, inviting the neighbors of Overvecht (Utrecht) to join them on Zombie parades to the local shopping mall. They have now published the book 'Stay Inside. Close windows and doors' and will speak about their experiences. Programme: 20:00 Doors open 20:30 Book presentation: 'Stay Inside. Close windows and doors', presented by Klaas van Gorkum. 21:15 Break 21:30 Screening of George A. Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead' (1978) More on the project: "Stay Inside. Close windows and doors" is a project by the artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum that presents the zombie as a distorted image of the exemplary citizen, to address ideas of multitude, consumerism, dystopia, alienation and participatory practices. The artists organised two Zombiewalks, inviting neighbourhood residents to join them in a morbid parade that lead to the local shopping malls, where the participants, dressed up like bloodied corpses, would mingle with the startled customers, in a collective action between performance, dérive and street theatre. These events have provided the content for the final publication: "Quédense dentro y cierren las ventanas - Stay inside. Close windows and doors", edited by the artists and published by consonni. It contains texts written by, among others, the cinema critic Jordi Costa, the philosopher Jaime Cuenca Amigo, the director of The Showroom in London Emily Pethick, the artistic director in Fundación Tapies (Barcelona) Laurence Rassel, and a comic by Maaike Hartjes. For more on the project, see: http://www.zombies.parallelports.org Entrance is free Schijnheilig, Passeerdersgracht 23, Amsterdam http://www.schijnheilig.org |