Info Night 15 april: Towards the People’s Summit EA Latinos Locos - 05.04.2010 18:17
The Peoples' Alternative Summit, Enlazando Alternativas 4, scheduled to take place from 14th to 18th May 2010, aims to strengthen emerging popular resistances and new convergences and solidarities between our peoples.  EA Madrid 2010 15-04-2010 Info Night: Towards the People’s Summit Enlazando Alternativas 4 in Madrid (14-18 May 2010) In May 2010, the Presidents and Heads of State of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will meet in Madrid under the Spanish Presidency of the EU. The “Old Continent”, restructured today as the Europe of capital and war, will sep once again, at this Summit, to push policies and mechanisms favouring finance capital and the big transnational corporations. This Summit will take place under the shadow of a financial, economic, environmental and social crisis that is causing increasing unemployment and precarity in Europe and poverty and social exclusion in Latin America. The bi-regional Europe-Latin America and Caribbean network, Enlazando Alternativas, is mobilizing for the fourth time to create a bi-regional political space, as we did in Guadalajara, Mexico (2004), Vienna, Austria (2006) and Lima, Peru (2008). The Peoples' Alternative Summit, Enlazando Alternativas 4, scheduled to take place from 14th to 18th May 2010, aims to strengthen emerging popular resistances and new convergences and solidarities between our peoples. Programme: - Political conjuncture in the relations between Europe and Latina America: why will the President Summit in Madrid be a key moment? - Presentation on EU-Latin America Free Trade Agreements: the case of Andean Countries - Video (12’) on People’s Summit Enlazando Alternativas 3 (May 2008, Lima-Peru) - Presentation on the People’s Summit in Madrid - Challenges ahead for social movements and civil society in Europe and Latin America more info: 15 april 2010 17.30 hrs Transnational Institute (TNI) De Wittenstraat 25 1052 AK Amsterdam Organised by: Europe-Latin America and the Caribbean bi-regional network Enlazando Alternativas, Transnational Institute, Noticias, Transnational Migrant Platform, Ojala. |