wo 7 april: QueerNL meeting queernl - 06.04.2010 17:37
After an amazing Queeristan2010, we are having a public evaluation and action meeting on wednesday the 7th at 20.00 hrs / Na een geweldig Queeristan2010 organiseren we een openbare evaluatie en actie vergadering op woensdag 7 april om 8 uur.  First, we will discuss and evaluate Queeristan - the organisation, the workshops, the party, art space, and the march. Second, we would also like to discuss how to carry forward the proposals which came out of the workshops, and also how to (re)organise QueerNL in this context. 20.00 hrs at Latijn Amerika Centrum, Nieuwe Herengracht 29, Amsterdam ! Great news : there will be people at the meeting who will paint the Queeristan logo (in white or black) on any apparel you have, so bring your t-shirts, tops, etc -- this is the last chance to have a really cool queeristan top :) Thanks everyone, again, for making Queeristan an awesome event to remember! Many awesome projects and proposals have come out of the discussions, and more are bound to come up in the future. QueerNL would like to invite everyone to join us in initiating as well as organising such events ... |