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Climate Justice Action Manifestation.This Saturday! - Video mgriks(at)gmail.com - 15.04.2010 12:12
Please send it to all people concern about the planet. Up to You, to send it to all Your friends,list's, organisations, publish on Your pages, invite the others, talk about it etc. It's very important to make this event as big as possible !!! Who would not help us if not You :) Lets reclaim the power together !!!  Climate Justice Action  Climate Jactice Action Manifestation.This Saturday! - Video Invitation here You can see the video invitation: http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/04/climate-jactice-action.html Manifestatie 'Steun de Klimaattop in Bolivia' Climate Justice Action English below Wat: Manifestatie 'Steun de Klimaattop in Bolivia' Wanneer: Op zaterdag 17 april april 2010 van 12.00 tot 15.00 uur Waar: Museumplein te Amsterdam Kom en betoon solidariteit met de Klimaattop van sociale bewegingen en de rechten van moeder Aarde in Bolivia! De top zal plaatsvinden van 19 tot 22 april. Om solidariteit te betuigen met de alternatieve Klimaattop, alsook om de aandacht van het Nederlandse publiek en de media te vestigen op de klimaatalternatieven die daar geformuleerd worden en om, tot slot, alle Nederlandse organisaties rond dit thema bijeen te brengen, organiseert Climate Justice Action op zaterdag 17 april, van 12 tot 15 uur een manifestatie op het Museumplein te Amsterdam. Verandering begint van onderop en wij nodigen iedereen van harte uit daar een bijdrage aan te leveren! In Bolivia én in Nederland. Er zullen sprekers, muziek en standjes zijn. Om tot concrete vervolgplannen met betrekking tot het klimaat te komen wordt er bovendien een Peoples Assembly georganiseerd. Over ons: http://www.climate-justice-action.org/cja-netwerk/?lang=nl Over klimaattop: http://www.globalinfo.nl/Nieuws/bolivia-gaat-klimaattop-voor-bewegingen-organiseren.html Site van de conferentie in Bolivia: http://pwccc.wordpress.com/ ---SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE! RECLAIM POWER!--- [English] Come and show solidarity with the 'World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth' in Bolivia! The summit takes place from the 19th till the 22nd of April. To show solidarity with the alternative Climate Summit, to make the Dutch public and media aware of the climate alternatives formulated there, and to assemble all Dutch climate and environmental organisations and individuals, Climate Justice Action organises a manifestation Saturday the 17th of April, from 12h to 15h at the Museumplein in Amsterdam. True change begins from below and we invite everyone(any organisations) to cocntact us and to take part in the process! In Bolivia ánd the Netherlands! There will be speakers, music and information stands. To come to concrete plans for action concerning climate and environment a Peoples Assembly will be organised as well! About us: http://www.climate-justice-action.org/cja-netwerk/?lang=nl About the Climate Summit: http://www.globalinfo.nl/Nieuws/bolivia-gaat-klimaattop-voor-bewegingen-organiseren.html The official website of the conference in Bolivia: http://pwccc.wordpress.com/ ---SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE! RECLAIM POWER!--- There is still chance for organisations which would like to participate. Contact as quickly : - E-Mail: contact@climate-justice-action.nl Website: http://www.climate-justice-action.org/cja-netwerk/?lang=nl 17th April that's also international day of solidarity with the peasant struggle so we will also make this as point. Climate Justice Manifestation this Saturday,17.04.2010 from 12.00-15.00 on the Museum square. Capitalism has put us in an ecological and economic crisis. We should not expect Politicians that actually profit from the exploitation and the destruction of the planet to just stop with their greed. I we want change it must come from us, the bottom up. We must create an alternative to the current system. We have to make great changes and be responsible for our own lives if we want to save the earth for present and future generations. The Climate Justice Action Movement, known for organizing protests against the hypocrisy of the Climate Conference COP15 in Copenhagen. Demonstrating with all to prove that Climate Change is not just an environmental issue .It affects workers, migrants, farmers, womens rights, animal rights and many more. Climate change is an anti-military, anti-nuclear and World Hunger issue aswell. To show support for the Climate Summit in Bolivia we are busy in Amsterdam creating real alternatives which have nothing to do with the green wash, fake solutions of 'Green'Capitalism. On this day, many organisations will present themselves, their solutions and their struggle for a better world. From the stage they will express their issues and concerns and present material from a stall. In the short break it is possible to listen to live music. At the end on the manifestation there will be an example of direct Democracy by holding a People's Assembly. Each one of you can let your voice be heard by taking part in the discussion. Join us and let's save this Planet, making the world a better place!!!
contact@climate-justice-action.nl E-Mail: contact@climate-justice-action.nl Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
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