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Analisys of neo-fascism in Italy jeppetto - 21.04.2010 12:26
Good analysis of the growing neo-fascist movements in Italy who appropriated the practice of squatting and social dissent to form a coalition of extreme right. You'd be forgiven for thinking that a group of zine-publishing techie squatters into rock music, baiting the State and defending the working class were part of the anarchist left. But, writes the Moyote Project, Italy's Casa Pound movement is symptomatic of the radical right's growing ability to assimilate progressive agendas into a toxic and populist political brew In 1973 the Italian neo-fascist group Nuova Destra (New Right) started publishing the DIY fanzine The Voice from the Sewer, as an ironic response to the left-wing slogan that incited (neo)fascists to return to the only place that they possibly could have emerged from. Yet now, more than 25 years on, it appears as if the fragmented, contradictory and unrepentant universe of the Italian radical right has crawled out of the sewer and entered the public sphere with heads held high. Armed with new tactics, a rousing new vocabulary and a rehash of old ideologies - and making use of the latest in graphic design - they have carved out for themselves a space which is precariously balanced between the street and the various state institutions and are achieving pernicious success in both arenas. They label themselves the non-conforme right and ‘third millennium fascists'.i Their recent successes and new found abilities in interpreting the moods and swings of our times suggest that their recent, surprising re-emergence cannot be filed away as something symptomatic of a mere appearance of detritus from the past. A closer look at their tactics, ideological baggage and at the role they are playing in contemporary Italy is now more than warranted. Continue reading:
http://www.metamute.org/en/content/casa_pound_and_the_new_radical_right_in_italy Website: http://www.metamute.org/en/content/casa_pound_and_the_new_radical_right_in_italy |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa globalisering | aanvullingen | |