Belg vermist & details | MM - 29.04.2010 06:22
Oaxaca: Paramilitaries Ambush International Aid Caravan, Two Dead by Kristin Bricker "... San Juan Copala, Oaxaca - On Tuesday afternoon at about 2:50pm, people believed to be paramilitaries affiliated with the ruling party of Oaxaca ambushed an international aid caravan en route to San Juan Copala. At least two people are reported dead. The caravan was carrying food, water, and other basic necessities to San Juan Copala, which has been subject to a paramilitary blockade that has prevented anyone from entering or leaving the community since January. In addition to carrying much-needed supplies, the caravan was meant to accompany teachers who were returning to classes after paramilitaries denied them access to the community nearly five months ago. The caravan included representatives from the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), Section 22 of the teachers union, the Center for Community Support Working Together (CACTUS), Oaxacan Voices Constructing Autonomy and Liberty (VOCAL), two reporters from the Mexican magazine Contralinea, and international observers from Belgium, Finland, Italy, and Germany. San Juan Copala has been under constant siege from pro-government paramilitaries since it declared itself autonomous following the 2006 peaceful uprising that shook the state and nearly drove the governor out of office. One such paramilitary organization, the Union for the Well-being of the Triqui Region (UBISORT), warned that the caravan could be in danger if it attempted to enter San Juan Copala. UBISORT leader Rufino Juárez Hernández told press that shoot-outs were a constant occurrence in the region, and that his organization would not be held responsible for “what could happen” to the caravan. Reports from survivors indicate that at approximately 2:50 pm just outside the community of La Sabana, which is controlled by UBISORT, the caravan reached a blockade of rocks piled on the road. As the vehicles began to turn around to head back, they came under fire from gunmen who were hiding in the brush. “They started shooting like madmen,” says one survivor. Monica Citlali Santiago Ortiz, 22, was shot in the back. She is being treated in a hospital in Juxtlahuaca. The total number of wounded and dead is unknown. Paramilitaries continue to blockade the area, making rescue impossible. The paramilitaries did allow police to remove two bodies from the area this afternoon. They have been identified as Alberta “Bety” Cariño, the director of CACTUS, and Juri Jaakkola, an observer from Finland. Survivors who fled into the brush when the caravan came under attack are beginning to surface as they make their way out of the area and into larger towns. Nonetheless, an unconfirmed number of people are still missing. VOCAL reports that two of its members remain missing after they fled into the brush. CACTUS reports another four missing, including the two Contralinea reporters and Martin Sautan, a Belgian citizen. Paramilitaries briefly detained VOCAL member, Ruben Valencia. He reports that the gunmen took his identification and cell phone and threatened to kill him before releasing him along the side of a road. The Oaxacan government has denied all responsibility for the attack, claiming that it had no knowledge of the caravan. Eduardo Almeida from the human rights organization Nodo de Derechos Humanos said, “We fear that the government will use this as a pretext to militarize the region.” ..." | background info | MM - 29.04.2010 07:10 => ze leven in het berg gebied ten noorden van de centrale weg Oaxaca-Tehuantepec tot aan de staat Veracruz, met daarbinnen zeer slechte wegen waar eigenlijk niemand anders komt, vanwege de absurde reistijden voor kleine afstanden. The Triquis Inaugurate Their New Autonomous Municipality Despite Attacks, Another Popular Assembly Emerges By Nancy Davies - January 28, 2007 Oaxaca: Mujeres triquis desaparecidas - 28-2-2008 The "other war" against the indigenous of Oaxaca = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = And yes; then these fuckers (general Carmelo Teran Montera who is reinstated as the war on drugs leader) send their Israeli Bitajon security from D.F. to Costa Rica after a request of Josef/Joep Merkx (UNHCR/ACNUR) who got scared of me acusing him being an Israli and CIA marionet, with death threaths to my girlfriend (client of Josef) and 2 failed kidnap attempts in order to find me. | UPDATE from Nancy Davies OSAG | MM - 29.04.2010 08:05
 Jyri Jaakkola - Finish activist  Beatríz Alberta Cariño - CACTUS director One clarfication is that Jyri, a Finnish man, is not Tyri, a Finnish woman. For those of us who know both Bety and Omar, this is a bad, bad day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UPDATE 8PM: The two individuals whose deaths have been confirmed are Beatríz Alberta Cariño, the director of CACTUS and member of the Southeast Mexican Indigenous Community Radios Network, and Jyri Jaakkola, an international solidarity observer from Finland. Four people have been confirmed disappeared: David Venegas Reyes and Noe Bautista Jimenez, from VOCAL, and Érika Ramírez and David Cilia, reporters from Contralínea. Other information: Protests have been held in the city of Oaxaca, where individuals blockaded a major highway with commandeered buses, and Mexico City. Numerous organizations and collectives have denounced the attack. A survivor of the attack held a press conference earlier today. Contralínea reports that the State Investigation Agency did not look for the disappeared today. Photos of the ambushed vehicles can be seen here. Here is an article written by a friend of Bety Cariño. Here is an article about Jyri Jaakkola before he left for Mexico. | youtube press conference survivor | MM - 29.04.2010 08:32
Press conference: Declaración de una de los sobrevivientes del ataque a la carvana San Juan Copala (Statement of one of the survivors of the atack on the caravan San Juan Copala) | Comunique | MM - 29.04.2010 10:23 Communique 1 - (28/04/2010 1:15 PM) Update regarding the attack on the humanitarian mission that was visiting San Juan Copala, Oaxaca: The death of Bety Cariño is confirmed Comrades: The humanitarian caravan, comprised of international observers, human rights advocates, journalists, teachers and members of various Oaxacan organizations, which was headed to the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, was ambushed by a group of armed men, leaving several people injured and some presumably dead. Official information regarding the number of people dead or wounded is not available as the local government has refused to enter the area. For its part, the federal government has ignored the appeals of several civil society organizations and Deputies and Senators to go in and rescue the victims. Only the lamentable, sad and painful death of our comrade and sister Bety Cariño, director of CACTUS and member of the Indigenous Community Radio Network of Southeast Mexico, and of Jyri Jaakkloa, a Finnish human rights observer, have been confirmed. Bety Cariño Trujillo was a human rights worker for more than 15 years; she accompanied communities in the Mixteca region, building the capacity of the indigenous peoples of the region and offering solidarity and advice to the women of the area so that they may defend their rights. Similarly, she spurred the creation of economic mutual aid networks in several communities in the area and together with several organizations succeeded in creating the Indigenous Community Radio Network of Southeast Mexico. At the time, she was accompanied by an international organization for the protection of human rights workers given the risks she faced in carrying out her work in defense of the rights of indigenous peoples. Bety will be remembered as a comrade and tireless fighter who lost her life accompanying a humanitarian caravan that sought, as she always did, to benefit the poorest of the poor; as a reliable comrade, committed and untiring, who will join our struggles with her spirit and who will not let us stop until justice and punishment is achieved for this stupid act of barbarism and violence perpetrated by a paramilitary group which acts under the orders of the state government of Oaxaca. At the time of sending this communiqué, at least six people can be considered to have been disappeared from the area of the attack. Among the disappeared are one Belgian citizen, three members of VOCAL, and two journalists from the magazine “Contralínea” who accompanied the humanitarian mission. The state authorities have refused to enter the area to check on the status of the mission members, though according to comrades’ reports, in Juxtlahuaca there is a convoy of approximately 45 state police officers in the company of the District Attorney and specialists who were to enter the area of the attack today at 10 AM. At this moment the result of that operation is unknown. At this moment the following are disappeared: 1. Martin Sautan – Belgium 2. David Venegas – Oaxaca – VOCAL 3. Noé Bautista – Oaxaca- VOCAL 4. Fernando Santiago - Oaxaca – Brigadas Indígenas (Indigenous Brigades) 5. David Cilia - Contralínea 6. Ericka Ramírez - Contralínea As a result of this brutal attack against human rights defenders and international observers, of representatives of the media, and of the horrible murder of our comrade Bety Cariño, we demand that the federal and state authorities: - Enter the area of the attack, recover the bodies, rescue the disappeared or kidnapped, and attend to the wounded. - Live presentation of the disappeared activists, advocates and journalists. - Guarantee the security of the wounded and the survivors. - Involve the Federal Attorney General’s Office in the investigation of these events. - Investigate and sanction the material and intellectual authors of these events, some of whom are inhabitants of La Sabana Copala, as the attack was carried out from houses in the town, and who presumably belong to the paramilitary organization known as Unity for the Social Well-Being of the Triqui Region (UBISORT). - An impartial, expedient, and accurate investigation led by the Federal Attorney General’s Office in order to punish the murderers in this paramilitary group. - Immediate dismissal from office of the State Interior Minister, the State Attorney General, and the State Minister of Public Security and Public Protection for refusing to intervene in a timely manner once they were aware of the events, preferring instead that the attacking paramilitary group act with impunity. We request the involvement of national and international civil society organizations to denounce these events, for the media to make them known, and for all of society to jointly demand their clarification. Center of Community Support Working Together A.C. (CACTUS) Indigenous Community Radio Network of Southeast Mexico Mexican Alliance for Peoples Self-determination (AMAP) ------------------------- ACTUALIZACIÓN SOBRE EL ATAQUE A LA MISION HUMANITARIA QUE VISITABA SAN JUAN COPALA, OAXACA: SE CONFIRMA MUERTE DE BETY CARIÑO Compañeras y compañeros: La caravana humanitaria integrada por observadores internacionales, defensores de derechos humanos, periodistas, maestros e integrantes de diversas organizaciones oaxaqueñas que se dirigía al municipio autónomo de San Juan Copala, fue emboscada por un grupo de hombres armados, resultando varias personas heridas y algunas presuntamente muertas. No se tiene información oficial del número de personas heridas ni muertas, porque el Gobierno local se ha negado a entrar a la zona. Por su parte, el Gobierno federal ha hecho caso omiso de la solicitud de varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil y de diputados, diputadas y Senadores para ingresar a rescatar a las víctimas. Solo se ha logrado confirmar la lamentable, triste y dolorosa muerte de nuestra compañera y hermana Bety Cariño directora de CACTUS e integrante de la Red de Radios Indígenas Comunitarias del Sureste Mexicano y de Juri Jaakkola, observador de derechos humanos de nacionalidad finlandesa. Bety Cariño Trujillo, ees una defensora de derechos humanos desde más de 15 años, tiene un trabajo de acompañamiento comunitario en la región de la mixteca capacitando a los pueblos indígenas de la región y brindando solidaridad y asesoría a las mujeres de la zona para la defensa de sus derechos, de igual manera impulso la creación de redes de economía solidaria en varias comunidades de la zona y logró junto con varias organizaciones más crear la Red de Radios Indígenas Comunitarias del Sureste Mexicano, actualmente tenía el acompañamiento de una organización internacional de protección a defensores de derechos humanos por el riesgo que enfrentaba en el ejercicio de trabajo en la defensa de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. Bety será recordada como una compañera y luchadora incansable que perdió la vida acompañando una caravana humanitaria que buscaba como siempre lo hizo, el beneficio de los más pobres, como una compañera confiable, comprometida e incanzable que acompañara nuestras luchas con su espíritu y que no nos dejará rendirnos hasta encontrar la justicia y el castigo de este acto estúpido de barbarie y violencia perpetrado por un grupo paramilitar que actúa bajo la complacencia del gobierno del estado de Oaxaca. Hasta el momento de enviar esta comunicación, cuando menos 6 personas se encontraban en calidad de desaparecidas en las inmediaciones del ataque. Entre las personas desaparecidas se encuentra 1 ciudadano de Bélgica, 3 integrantes de VOCAL y 2 periodistas de la revista “Contralínea” que acompañaban la Misión humanitaria. Las autoridades estatales se habían negado a entrar a la zona a constatar el estado físico de los integrantes de la misión, aunque según reportes de compañeros que se encuentran en Juxtlahuaca un convoy de aproximadamente 45 elementos de la policía estatal en compañía del Ministerio Público y de servicios periciales habrían realizado un operativo para ingresar a la zona del ataque a las 10 de la mañana del día de hoy, desconociendo hasta el momento el resultado de dicho operativo. En este momento se encuentran desaparecidos: 1. Martin Sautan – Bélgica 2. David Venegas – Oaxaca – Vocal 3. Noé Bautista – Oaxaca- Vocal 4. Fernando Santiago – Oaxaca – Brigadas Indígenas 5. David Cilia – Contralínea 6. Ericka Ramírez – Contralínea Ante esta brutal agresión en contra de los defensores, defensoras y observadores internacionales de derechos humanos, de representantes de los medios de comunicación y del horrible asesinato de nuestra compañera Bety Cariño, exigimos a las autoridades estatales y federales: · Ingreso a la zona de la agresión, recuperación de los cuerpos, rescate de los desaparecidos o secuestrados, atención a los heridos. · Presentación con vida de los activistas, defensores y periodistas desaparecidos. · Establecimiento de garantías de seguridad para los heridos y para los sobrevivientes. · Intervención de la Procuraduría General de la República en la investigación de estos hechos. · Investigación y sanción a los responsables intelectuales y materiales de estos hechos algunos de ellos habitantes de la comunidad de La Sabana Copala, pues desde las casas de este lugar se perpetro el ataque y que presumiblemente pertenecen a la organización paramilitar denominada Unidad de Bienestar Social para la Región Triqui (UBISORT) · Investigación imparcial, expedita y certera a cargo de la Procuraduría General de la República para castigar a los asesinos de este grupo paramilitar. · Destitución inmediata del Secretario de Gobierno del estado de Oaxaca, de la Procuradora del Estado y del Secretario de Seguridad Pública y Protección Ciudadana por negarse a intervenir de manera oportuna una vez que se tuvo conocimiento de estos hechos, favoreciendo con ello la actuación impune del grupo paramilitar agresor. Solicitamos la intervención de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil nacional e internacional para denunciar estos hechos, de los medios de comunicación para darlos a conocer y de toda la sociedad en su conjunto para exigir su esclarecimiento. CENTRO DE APOYO COMUNITARIO TRABAJANDO UNIDOS A.C. (CACTUS) Red de Radios Indígenas Comunitarias del Sureste Mexicano Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminacion de los Pueblos (AMAP) | update over vermiste personen | ddd - 29.04.2010 15:44
hier een lousy italian english translation (thanx to vale). Martin S., een jongere uit Brussel die ondermeer opkwam voor mensen zonder papieren, is nog steeds vermist volgens mijn laatste info. Davide Cassinari the missing Italian guy disappeared since Tuesday after the caravan attak is FINE. He couldn't give any answer because while he was running he lost his phone. I'm ok. I couldn't give any news cos I had NO MOBILE (typical from Cassi;) )he said to Popolare Netwrok. He spoke ... Lees verderalso about what occured during the attak and about the death of his two COMPANEROS/A the Finnish Tyri Antero Jaakkola and the Mexican ones, Beatriz Carino. The caravan wanted to bring food blankets and clothes to the local community of San Juan Copala (Oxaca State in Southern Mexico) that has been isolated for two weeks now because of Union Bienestar Social guerrilleros in Triqui Region and linked to the Institutional revolutionary Party. Our aim has been to get to San Juan Copala and get to his local community. At the hall of the municipality we have been stucked because the road was stucked. We have tried to go back but an armed group has come and they have started to shot. Scary moments. First we found shelter and afterwards we run into the bushes. Someone escaped from the window and others from the doors. He saw his fellows die. Unfourtunatly two people got stuck into the caravan and wounded. They died both. The others could escape. Some of them have been stopped by paramilitares, threatened and stolen but after that they have been all released. We run into the forest till we got to the road. We were still hearing the fire bulls. During the run local contacts by the Mexican members have been crucial and very important for us. Now I'm ok. Even quite confused. I m in a safe place with other members of the caravan.
| update over martin | é - 29.04.2010 16:51
martin is ook in veiligheid volgens bericht van vrienden ter p^laatse | Artikel: Doden in Oaxaca na aanval paramilita | - 30.04.2010 01:52
Doden in Oaxaca na aanval paramilitairen Latinos Locos - 30.04.2010 01:50 Een internationaal waarnemer uit Finland en de directrice van een Mexicaanse NGO, zijn dinsdagmiddag 27 april doodgeschoten in Oaxaca, Mexico. Gemaskerde mannen openden vuur op de humanitaire missie waar de twee slachtoffers onderdeel van uit maakten. Er zijn volgens de Mexicaanse mensenrechtenorganisatie PRODH vijftien gewonden gevallen. Twee journalisten van het Mexicaanse tijdschrift Contralínea worden nog steeds vermist. lees verder: | |