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marechaussee | military police - 03.05.2010 00:46
good pics! but the 'cops' fotographed around adecco, are actually marrechausse (dutch military police... very interesting because they are usually only for keeping safe the borders and the queen and protect things like airports and stuff. i am not sure but i think that they are not allowed to use violence against civillians unless there is a state of emergency, maybe someone can look into this, might be important for complaints or possible courtcases!? here's video from the demo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb0ZkUuie-0 | Laws | Autonomous - 03.05.2010 01:41
Just some ideas and a short remark for those interested in police strategy, First of all the Marchessau wore different colors on their sholders, one group had red the other yellow, don't know if there were more colours. Maybe they expected to arrest internationals which would then need to be transferred and interregated due to a change in law. Other options shortage of manpower in 'special units' due to cuts in police funds. Soccer match was going to be the next day, maybe they invited these forces a day early so to get double advantage but housing costing etc would then be a interesting question. Last but not least maybe they are setting them up to define the socialist/anarchist movement as national threat. There is more, No Justice, No Peace, No Surrender, No Retreat,
| banner | colapunk - 03.05.2010 04:56
 that same pic of calvin ;) oi oi! nice pic of the banner with calvin on it? any chance you could send it? its okay, i'm colapunk, from den bosch. don't feel like putting my full adress online without modding it so please mail to colapunk[thisiswherethe@goes]gmail.com | .. | nn - 03.05.2010 11:09
The pigs in pic 4 to 10 actually got told 300 times that the march was not going in that direction but that there was a speech planned at this particular point and they should back off a bit. No fucking way they did not understand that. It is completely ridiculous that they now state that they 'used violence to prevent people from going in that direction'. Does anyone know the condition of the girl that got trampled? thanks for the pics! | military police | nn - 03.05.2010 12:03
the marchausee has full police powers in the netherlands and its not that exceptional that they are deployed (happend already for years in the redlight disctrict in amsterdam). Nijmegen doesnt have its own riotpolice (they need to come from arnhem) and between queensday the 30th and the big football match the 2nd its not strange at all they where getting stretched and that they pulled some extra batonpower from the baracks close by. Nice training for them also to have an chance to bash some dutch skulls instead of afghani ones for an change. | - | NNmgn - 03.05.2010 15:27
in front of the Adecco, i was trampled by an old man with a beard on a policehorse. a friend of mine was being shoved around by a policewoman who could not control her horse. the situation startled me, so i stepped closer to the entrance from the side, where no ME was standing. i shouted something to my friend, but before i found out it was a horse, something put massive pressure on the back of my right leg(the lower part). it got bruised and i fell to the ground. luckily, horses don't like standing on people and his other feet didn't hit me. so either way, there is someone else who got trampled by a horse(who is a woman) or there is misunderstanding of the gender. | horse cops | Margaret Killjoy - 03.05.2010 17:10
To the person who was trampled: I was standing right next to you when that happened. I wasn't able to help or photograph, my apologies. I do have photos of your friend being shoved around by the horse cop, if he's interested he should contact me (magpie [at] birdsbeforethestorm.net) | ... | nn - 04.05.2010 12:08
I guess "the girl that got trampled" is the girl on the bicycle that got run over by the policehorsewoman. | |
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