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Laatste nieuws; drie doden in Griekenland! Zorba - 05.05.2010 18:44
Laatste nieuws; drie doden in Griekenland! Laatste nieuws; drie doden in Griekenland! Demonstranten tegen het Griekse overheidsbelijd hebben brand gesticht bij de Marvin bank in Athene terwijl de werknemers nog in de bank aanwezig waren. Ook is de brandweer aangevallen met als doel het verhinderen van de blus en reddings werkzaamheden. Als gevolg zijn drie werknemers van de Marvin bank levend verbrand! |
Lees meer over: europa | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | verder | nn - 05.05.2010 19:12
Tens of thousands demonstrators on the streets, more than 2000 with the anarchist blocks, not well organized though. Massive clashes around Syntagma and throughout central Athens. Few cops had their shields taken, and some cops in plain clothes were beaten. Some slogans were also spray painted in solidarity to the Buenos Aires comrades. Delta and Zeta motorbike cops attacked people leaving the march at Syggrou-Fix metro station with batton charges, light-bang grenades and massive tear gas use leading to one elder person with resporatory problems, sitting at a nearby cafe, heavily injured. The police used tear gas canisters even inside metro stations (Syntagma). Also full police cordon around Exarchia. Dozens taken to GADA police headquarters. Many people are still out on the streets. | why 3 people died in bank | triberider - 08.05.2010 03:01
This letter is to inform about the cause and the circumstances of death. Bank boss locked employees in (!), so they don't leave the building and demonstrate at the GENERAL STRIKE. Building was unsafe and should not be used anyway. | |
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