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Addresses of some political prisoners ..and burn this fucking prisons down - 14.05.2010 20:46
Here are some adresses of political prisoners in europe. we should not forget that any soldidarity from outside, such as writing letters or postcards is strengthening those inside in their struggle. Gilbert Ghislain Centro Penitenciario La Morajela, Carretera local P-126C, CP 34210 Dueñas Palencia / Spain Gilbert is an anarchist prisoner who is fighting since years in the FIES-System (Spanish isolation prison system). Rafael Martinez Zea C.P. Puerto de Santa Maria III crtra Jerez-Rota, km 6 11500 Puerto de Santa Maria Cadiz / Spain Rafael is as well an anarchist who fights since years in the Spanish prisons. He also speaks English. Claudio Lavazza C.P. Teixerio – Curtis Mod. 11 Carretera de Paradela s/n 15310 A Coruña / Spain Claudio is an Italian anarchist. Together with other comrades he robed the Italian consular in Cordoba (Spain) in solidarity with the accused people in the Marini-trial in Italy (big repression wave against anarchists in Italy during the second half in the 90s, a lot of people got years in prison). The consul was forced to send faxes in solidarity to Italy and the anarchists took some passports and money. Besides he got sentenced for a shoot out where two cops died after a bank robbery. He is one of the most active fighters against the FIES-system. António Ferreira de Jesus E.P. Pinheiro da Cruz 7570 Grândola / Portugal Antonio, 67 years old, has quite some years of prison behind him (43). He got sentenced for various actions against the system and society such as expropriation. He is an active fighter against the prison conditions. Farid Bamouhammad Centrale gevangenis te Leuven Geldenaaksevest 68 3000 Leuven / Belgium Farid is known as enemy number one of the Belgium prison system. He participated on various actions and revolts. He made several bank-robberies and he is sentenced to 17 years because he killed the rapist of his wife. Leonardo Landi Carcere di Alessandria Strada Casale 50/A 15040 Alessandria San Michele (AL) / Italy Leonardo got arrested October 2009 by Italian cops after being for two years on the run. He is charged with participation on a robbery of a post-office, which would supposedly help to finance a subversive association. Roman Nicusor (Nicu) Carcere Sollicciano Via Girolamo Minervini 2/R 50142 Firenze Sollicciano (FI) / Italy Nicu is again arrested since the 12.12.09 because of a confrontation after a protest against a fascist demonstration. Marco Camenisch „PF 3143“ CH-8105 Regensdorf / Switzerland Marco is for years arrested because of his militant intervention in Switzerland and Italy against the atomic industry. After a successful breakout of the Regensdorf Prison in 1981 and several years underground he got in 1991 arrested again in Italy. He got sentenced with causing bodily injury to a person (while arrested in a shootout with the Carabinieri) and bomb attacks. He spent several years in Italian Prison (until 2002) and got afterwards deported to Switzerland, where he still had 8 years of prison-time open, because of the murder of a border guard he killed while on the run. Marco has been always fighting – no matter if its outside or inside – and always participates on all actions against this prison society. He speaks German, Italian, French and English. Alfredo Bonanno Christos Stratigopoulos Dikatikes Filakes Koridallos T.K. 18110 Athens / Greece Alfredo and Christos are held in prison because of a bank robbery. Yiorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis ASKA Filakes Kassavetias Post Code 37100 Volos Magnesia / Greece Giorgos got arrested in October 2007. In his confession about a bank robbery he proclaims his act as an action against the enslavement through labor. Yiannis Dimitrakis Filakes Domokou Post Code 35010 Fthiotida / Greece Yiannis is imprisoned since 2006. He got sentenced to 35 years because of an armed robbery. He started the robbery with three other anarchists a an action against the ruling wage enslavement. During this action he got hit by cops bullets. He also remains inside prison walls an active fighter. Ilias Nikolau Prevantorio Amfi ssas Post Code 33100 Amfissa, Fokida / Greece Ilias from Thessaloniki is since 13 January 2009 arrested because of an arson on a police station. He was for a long time on the run together with two other comrades, who were involved in the same trial as Vaggelis Botzatzis. Polikarpos Georgiadis A’ Pteriga Filakes Koridallou 18110 Koridallos, Athens / Greece Polikarpos is imprisoned because of participating on the kidnapping of a high economy-functionary. Panagiotis Masouras Filakes Anilikon Avlona 19011 Avlona, Attiki / Greece Haris Hatzimichelakis ASKA Filakes Kassavetias Post Code 37100 Volos Magnesia / Greece Panagiotis and Haris are in prison for being members of the city-guerrilla group “Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire”. Vaggelis Palis Filakes Trikalon 42100 Trikala / Greece A rebel, who participates since years on prison struggle. Gabriel Pombo da Silva Krefelderstr. 251 52070 Aachen / Germany José Fernandez Delgado Aachenerstr. 47 53359 Rheinbach / Germany Gabriel and José are two spanish anarchists, who were already for a couple of years in spanish prison. Both were particulary suffering under the hard FIES-departments. They have been constantly struggling against their own term condition (haftbedingung) and were active at all protests. They managed to break out and went underground. In summer 2004 they got arrested in Aachen with two other comrades, Bart and Begona (Gabriels sister), after a taking hostage and a shoot-out with cops. Bart got sentenced to three and a half years (in mean time released), Begona got a parole sentence, Gabriel got 13 and Jose 14 years in prison. Since then both of them continue their struggle within the german prisons. You can write Gabriel in German, Spanish or English. Jose in German and Spanish. Check: www.escapeintorebellion.info Thomas Meyer-Falk JVA Bruchsal Schönbornstr. 32 76646 Bruchsal / Geermany Thomas, also an anarchist is for more than ten years behind prison bars, because of a bank robbery. The money was ment to be used to finance legal and illlegal left projects. He never stopt with his struggle behind the prison walls. You can write him in German and English. Ckeck: www.freedomforthomas.wordpress.com John Bowden Prison No. 6729 HM Prison Glenochil King OMuir Road, Tullibody Scotland FK10 3AD / Great Britain John is since 25 years “guest” in the english prison system. He defines himself as an anarchist and was fighting for long time during his imprisonment and participate on a lot of revolts. To get more t know about him have a look in the last “Entfesselt” or in English: www.brightonabc.org.uk Elijah Smith VP 7551 HMP Lewes , 1 Brighton Rd Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1EA. / Great Britain Elijah is for a year kept in U-Haft, because he accused of attacking together with others the office off the EDO concern, which makes profit of the production of weapons. His trial should start in may 2010. p.s.: please dont whine around about spelling mistakes |
aanvullingen | Anarchistic murderers | Nico - 15.05.2010 01:52
Let us not forget that the anarchist who killed people are still murderers..Anarchistic or not! | Politieke gevangenen? | Rob - 15.05.2010 09:31
Politieke gevangenen of geweldadige criminelen? Stuur vooral deze meneer een kaartje: Farid Bamouhammad Centrale gevangenis te Leuven Geldenaaksevest 68 3000 Leuven / Belgium Farid is known as enemy number one of the Belgium prison system. He participated on various actions and revolts. He made several bank-robberies and he is sentenced to 17 years because he killed the rapist of his wife. Behalve de moord op de vermeende "verkrachter" van zijn vrouw is hij ook veroordeeld wegens gijzeling van zijn vrouw, zijn schoonmoeder en zijn dochter alsook voor de mishandeling van zijn vrouw. Kortom echt iemand die we graag met onze linkse solidaritijd willen steunen. En de rest van de lijst? Allemaal lieden die aan het leven van een ander dan hunzelf geen enkele waarde hechten, met solidaire groet, Rob. | nn | nn - 15.05.2010 17:05
en waarom zou je niet zelf je recht mogen halen tegenover een verkrachter? | @nn | Sandra - 15.05.2010 19:19
Als je er ff over nadenkt kun je waarschijnlijk zelf op het antwoord komen maar hier is een hint: Bewijslast? | Burn all prisons | NN - 15.05.2010 20:51
To those who whine about these people murdering others. The government and capitalism kills a lot more people every day just by executive order. These people fought against this system by any means necesarry. You can't keep your hands clean in a revolutionary struggle. Better dead cops, bankers and rapists than poor workers, activists, homeless, refugees, illegalised, etc. Prison is not a solution. Burn all prisons. | |
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