Call for Participation Against Frontex all included - 15.05.2010 00:47
Conference: Frontex, Technology, Surveillance and Policing; Saturday, May 22 In Warsaw, the state-supported migrant hunters at Frontex will be discussing surveillance technology presented by corporate profiteers at a two-day conference organized by Frontex on May 24-25. We wil speak out.  Call for Participation Against Frontex, State Surveillance and Corporate Exploitation of Migrant Poverty May 22-24, Warsaw, Poland Saturday, May 22 - Conference Sunday, May 23 - Organizing Resistance. Networking Meeting. Sunday will also have time for more discussion and planning for Monday's action. Monday, May 24 - Action at Frontex Conference Conference: Frontex: Technology, Surveillance and Policing. Saturday, May 22 In Warsaw, the state-supported migrant hunters at Frontex will be discussing surveillance technology presented by corporate profiteers at a two-day conference organized by Frontex on May 24-25. We wil speak out against the border regime, against state surveillance, capitalist exploitation of migrant labour and labour market control systems and Frontex. Confirmed topics: Migrant Hunting, Technology and Frontex EU Border Management Schemes, Corporations and Capitalism The Role of the State and Supranational Institutions in Policing and Social Control We are calling for people who would like to speak on these topics on a panel or on other topics to submit proposals by Sunday, May 9th at the latest. We can provide translation for Polish, English, French, Spanish, German or Russian speakers. People who need free housing should write by May 20. Contact:, E-Mail: Website: |