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KKE no thanx.. | nn - 16.05.2010 00:24
"Also special KKE members took position in front of the parliament to avoid provocations Today was a day of POWER SHOW of the KKE " ie the demonstrators got used in an stalinist show of strenght by power hungy aparatski. Any one trying to vent their justified anger at the system (of wich the KKE is an part) an would have dared to set an step towards the parliament would have been taken care of by the KKE-statsi. fuck that... no gods, no masters, no glorious leaders... for an end to all authority! | end to all authority? | nn - 16.05.2010 01:56
if not authority, then what else is it if the strikers force on the government their own will and stop the cuts? if not authority, then what else is it if the demonstrators force the police and the army back to their barracks and disarm them? if not authority, what else is it if the workers of factory or office take it over and start producing for the benefit of society and not for profit? if not authority, then what else is it if demonstrators stop some idiots who want to put fire to a building? if not authority, then what else is it if strikers confront and stop those who try to breake the strike. Yes it is all authority, the authority of the working class against the ruling class. This is not a defence of the Stalinist KKE, but a critique of the hollow core principle of anarchism - being against all authority.
| Toch maar blijven ROEPEN ! | Lekker in de zon niks doen. - 16.05.2010 11:13
Even if the only reason of being of anarchists is shouting : against a all authority that still is an important contribution. A lot of people do not realize ( anymore ) that they should act and think themselves with out bosses. The problem with this is that even if they realise that they do not need bosses they do not know how to change their often precarious lives. Well...anarchists all over the world are working on this. You should let them know if you do not know how to change your precarious situation that you need at least some guidance / info / help untill you can work things out with out help in my opinion. Because anarchists in my opinion realy expect to much from people in being ready to act. Mijn engels is niet goed genoeg vrees ik toch een poging gedaan. | ritueel | ja - 16.05.2010 12:45
De in het hoofdartikel opgehemelde gebeurtenis bestaat uit een ronkende speech van de grote roerganger van de (kommunistische) partij over wat ze allemaal wel zouden kunnen GAAN doen. Maar het is bekend dat ze nooit wat doen verder (dan ronkend aankondigen). Het werd gedaan omdat in de achterban groeiende behoefte is aan daden en actie. Ze lopen anders weg naar meer activistische organisaties. Meer een bewijs dus dat zelfs mastodonten als de ouwe stalinistische partij wakkergeschud is. | @critic | nn - 16.05.2010 14:00
anarchism is not against mere-authority , it's against the hierarchical society as a whole | end to all authority! and bad aanvullingen | nn1234 - 17.05.2010 11:59
i guess its hard for some people to understand that there doesnt need to be a controlling factor if not authority, then what else is it if the strikers force on the government their own will and stop the cuts? - this does not strictly fit into anarchist beliefs because it means that the government is being asked/blackmailed to do something,instead of Capitalism as a whole being attacked. Using the system to edit itself is reformism and reformism is an evil disease. if not authority, then what else is it if the demonstrators force the police and the army back to their barracks and disarm them? -then the tools of control(the police and the army) are disarmed and are no longer controlling or acting on behalf of or with 'authortity'. if not authority, what else is it if the workers of factory or office take it over and start producing for the benefit of society and not for profit? -not authority again, and offices are to be destroyed for the benefit of society as a whole. if not authority, then what else is it if demonstrators stop some idiots who want to put fire to a building? -personal will, smetimes common sense or care for others if not authority, then what else is it if strikers confront and stop those who try to breake the strike. -fighting for what they believe in. | Athene: voorbeeld | Paul - 17.05.2010 19:59
hé, zijn de aanhangers van de Onassis kliek op deze site met hun achterhaalde scheldkanonade "stalinisme"...De straten vol demonstranten, arbeiders uit alle geledingen kun je niet uitvlakken. Who's side are you on....! Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2Syt4nsRuM&NR=1 | @end to all authority | nn - 18.05.2010 00:09
you are missing the point or are ignoring it consciously! The examples show that our side, people who fight back also impose their will on the state, the capitalsits etc. This is nothing but a form of authority, hence the anti-authoritarian principle of anarchism is a big nonsense.
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