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Demo-report from Mexican Embassy Grassroots projects - 19.05.2010 23:50
Tuesday the 18th of May we held a small demo in The Hague because of the murder of two activists in Oaxaca, Mexico by para-militaries. We held a small demonstration in front of the Mexican Embassy. We brought some banners and letters for the Ambassador. One of us had a talk for over an hour with the legal advisor of the Mexican Embassy about the murder of the two activist and the attack on the caravan which was bringing supplies to a small village that has been under the attack of para-militaries before. The advisor told us that they are of course investigating the incident, but that it is hard for the Mexican government to protect people who come into Mexico on tourist-visa's and then do activism. One could wonder however how the para-militaries know if someone is on a activist-visa or a tourist-visa. And it is probably also not good for business if tourists get killed. Then the advisor told us that there had been a urgent meeting between all the Mexican embassies in Europe because one of the people that was killed came from Finland and in the caravan were people from all over the world. They were wondering how to protect them in the future. We told them that they should do the same for their own Mexican people aswell. We will see what happens as the next caravan will be on it's way. Maybe they should wave their visa at the masked para-militaries and then they won't shoot. Tierra Y Libertad!!! |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |