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"Sober Living For the Revolution"videointerview with G.Kuhn Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 21.05.2010 01:33
link to interview with Gabriel Kuhn, autor of "Sober living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics"  "Sober living for the Revolution"  Spirit Of Squatters Collective Interview made after the book presentation yesterday in Bollox, Amsterdam:
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/05/gabriel-kuhn-interview-about-his-new.html Gabriel will give also the book presentation in Appelscha. Gabriel Kuhn will talk about his book 'Sober Living for the revolution' about the crossroads of straight edge and radical politics. A very inspiring read with in-depth interviews, manifestos and essays about the movements political history, critical reflections on straight edge and lifestyle politics, personal stories and ideas about punk, straight edge and radical politics. Kuhn groeide op in Turkije, Engeland en de VS en woont op dit moment in Zweden. Hij publiceerde onder meer over antifascisme, poststructuralisme, anarchisme en voetbal en anarchisme en piraterij. In het onlangs verschenen boek “sober living for the revolution” brengt Kuhn aan de hand van interviews met oa leden van Manliftingbanner, Rfused, Point of No Return en Minor threat, ‘scene reports’ en manifesto’s de politieke kant van de straight edge beweging in beeld E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
aanvullingen | Correctie | Jeroen - 21.05.2010 07:21
Het klopt niet dat Gabriel Kuhn in Appelscha dezelfde boekpresentatie nog een keer zal doen. Hij gaat in Appelscha vertellen over een van zijn volgende boekprojecten. Komend jaar zal in Duitsland een boek verschijnnen vol interviews met anarchisten wereldwijd, waarbij met name anarchisten buiten het `Westen' (Europa & Noord-Amerika) aan het woord zullen komen. Dus interesante interviews met actieve mensen ut Azië, Zuid-Amerika, Afrika en Australië. It is not correct that Gabriel will give the same book presentation in Appelscha. In Appelscha he will tell about one of his following book projects. Next year a book full of interviews with anarchists worldwide will be published in Germany (and therefor in German), with en emphasis on anarchists outside the West (Europe & North-America). So interesting interviews with active people from Asia, South-America, Africa and Australia. | lifestyle? | kees - 21.05.2010 13:44
Moeilijk te volgen de video (geen licht en enorm slecht geluid) maar het lijkt de geinterviewde vooral te gaan om het individuele (consumptie)gedrag | European Anarchist Has to Cancel Trip to US | Matthew Rothschild - 11.03.2011 10:19
Matthew Rothschild, February 19, 2010 European Anarchist Has to Cancel Trip to the U.S. The anarchist author Gabriel Kuhn was planning on visiting the United States in early March and staying until May. He had speaking engagements set up at several colleges, bookstores, and coffeehouses. But he’s no longer coming. Kuhn, who was born in Austria and lives in Sweden, wrote a prize-winning book on contemporary anarchism in the United States. And he’s the author of two new books published by PM Press out of Oakland. One is called “Life Under the Jolly Roger: Reflections on Golden Age Piracy,” and the other is “Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics.” He applied through Homeland Security’s Electronic System for Travel Authorization, which has been in place for a little more than a year. This system is for people who are traveling to the United States from countries where the U.S. used to say you didn’t need a visa to come to America. (..)
http://www.progressive.org/mc021910.html | |
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