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Again!!! Two people killed in Oaxaca grassrootsprojects - 22.05.2010 21:57
San Juan Copala Autonomous Leader and His Wife Assassinated From Kristin Bricker's "My Word is My Weapon": Timoteo Alejandro Ramirez and his wife Cleriberta Castro were found dead in their home today, according to San Juan Copala's blog. Contralinea reports that the perpetrators are "hitmen from MULT," the Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle. Neighbors saw an armed commando that they say works for MULT in the area around the time of the killing. Ramirez was a "natural leader" of the Yosoyuxi neighborhood, which forms part of the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala. According to indigenous customs, "natural leaders" are those who don't propose themselves as leaders; the community chooses them because of their long record of community service. Here's a joint statement in Spanish regarding the assassination. The continued siege, murders, kidnappings and threats are intolerable, outrageous and unacceptable. Mexican president Calderón and Oaxaca governor Ulises Ruiz are the ones ultimately responsible for these acts. Blame also falls squarely at the feet of the Obama administration, who rewards Calderón's regime of impunity with state dinners and millions in lethal aid. UPDATE: A compa has just translated the Copala statement linked to above:
http://autonomiaencopala.wordpress.com/ San Juan Copala denounces murder of leader Timoteo Alejandro Ramirez and his wife Cleriberta Castro To the state, national and international news media To the other campaign To the national and international human rights organizations To the people of Mexico The Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala emphatically denounces the MURDER of our top leader, Timoteo Alejandro Ramírez (44 years old) and his wife Cleriberta Castro (35 years old). The deplorable deed took place in the Yosoyuxi community, which is part of the Autonomous Municipality. According to witnesses’ statements, an unmarked three-ton truck that was apparently delivering merchandise stopped outside the store where the slain comrades live. An armed commando got out of the truck and executed the victims. This commando was made up of four NON-Triqui individuals. The Autonomous Municipality holds the Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle (MULT) responsible for the crime. Our comrade Alejandro was the guiding moral force of the Triqui community, a tireless leader for building stronger indigenous autonomy in the region, and the top leader of the Independent Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle (MULTI). This makes one more act of impunity that has occurred during the Ulises Ruiz Ortiz government. The Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, in conjunction with the undersigned organizations, demands JUSTICE in the face of this new attack and an END to the extreme violence now going on in the region. No paramilitary group can control the rights of the Triqui people! Justice and peace can only be built from below! Community democracy! MUNICIPIO AUTÓNOMO SAN JUAN COPALA MOVIMIENTO AGRARIO INDÍGENA ZAPATISTA (MAIZ) CENTRO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS MIGUEL AGUSTÍN PRO FUNDACIÓN NACIONAL DE MUJERES POR LA SALUD COMUNITARIA A.C. MOCRI-CNPA-MN COLECTIVO CONTRA LA TORTURA Y LA IMPUNIDAD (CCTI) TALLER INTEGRAL ARQUITECT@Z CASA DE ONDAS UNIDAD Y JUSTICIA POR LA LIBERTAD DE LOS PRESOS DE ATENCO CIARENA -AC JOVENES EN RESISTENCIA ALTERNATIVA (JRA) ALIANZA DE MUJERES INDÍGENAS DE CENTROAMÉRICA Y MEXICO FORO PERMANENTE POR LA COMISIÓN DE LA VERDAD REPRESENTACIÓN SINDICAL DEL SME GRUPO MARXISTA REVOLUCIONARIO, SME GRUPO DE ACCIÓN POR LIBERTAD PARA COPALA ALIANZA MEXICANA POR LA AUTODETERMINACIÓN DE LOS PUEBLOS (AMAP) FOODFIRST INTERNACIONAL ACTION NETWORD FIAN, SECCIÓN MEXICO COMUNIDADES CAMPESINAS Y URBANAS SOLIDARIAS (COMCAUSA -AC) VOCES OAXAQUEÑAS CONSTRUYENDO AUTONOMIA Y LIBERTAD more info:
http://angrywhitekid.blogs.com/ 27th of April two people were killed in Oaxaca.
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2010/04/66937.shtml demo report from Mexican Embassy:
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2010/05/67447.shtml |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |