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Call out to all squatters Mikhail Bakunin - 23.05.2010 00:41
Call out for action on the 1st of June. On the 1st of June the Eerste Kamer (first chamber of dutch parliament) scheduled voting about squatting ban. It is quite clear that the majority of the Eerste Kamer is in favour of this law. We will not leave this attack on us, that is performed by the dutch parliament, unanswered. Our answer is resistance against their rotten and inhuman law! Coming squatting ban will not stop us! We will continue to occupy empty buildings and resist each coming eviction! We call everybody to come on Het Plein in The Hague on 1st of June...Time to radicalize our performance in the political theater... THE STREETS ARE OUR SCENE THE REVOLT IS OUR ART * Additional note to avoid unnecessary comments and misunderstanding: 1.Party squatters After your countless parties it is time to join the struggle against squatting ban, otherwise you are just parasites of squatting movement. 2.Conformist squatters Many of you are talking about Antikraak (Anti-squat) as solution or you are making plans to move out of the Netherlands. It is time to join the struggle against squatting ban, otherwise you are just poseurs not squatters. 3.Anarchist "philosophers" and "books and discussions lovers" We agree it is important to build up knowledge about political theories and practice. We are not against deep and intelectual discussions about political struggle and stratgies, but when the police is knocking on our doors, we rather barricade our houses then hold intersting discussions. Time to revolt now, instead of reading books about some past revolutions. *Last two sentences are from a statement released by occupiers of National Opera in Athens:
http://libcom.org/news/national-opera-house-occupied-athens-turned-counterinformation-resistance-base-06022009 |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | extra note | Mikhail Bakunin - 23.05.2010 00:50
We think is good to have discussions. Pity that we can not meet face to face with our opponents to discuss longer, better and with more details and personal experiences. It is also part of anarchist movement, squatters movement and other progressive movements to have a lot of disagreements about strategy, ideas and visions. We are more critical (towards our comrades as well ), because anarchists, individualists, free thinkers are not conforming easily also within own comrades. We are on this matter in oposition to fascist and conservative people, they are not so critical (they love to have leaders to tell them what to do), and they are narrow-minded (they love to conform in conservative way).
| WTF | Conformist/Party/Philosopher Squatter - 23.05.2010 13:27
Deducting from the "radicalness" of the call, one is hoping for a greek style riot... Maybe necessary. But in The Hague....? In a country where there is hardly any experience with radical protesting... Real smart if you have any experience with The Hague police.... Calling people to come to The Hague to a traditional demonstration location implies that one assumes that by doing something "radical" or a radical demonstration in The Hague we are going to sway the government into changing their minds.... A public call like this is good for a "conformist" demonstration, or a public "party" or an "anarchist/philosopher" meeting...... If you really want to do something radical, organize with some people you know and trust and do it. Don't make a halfhearted call for some semi-demonstration like event because you only feel safe to do something "radical" if you are in a big group. That's plain cowardice and not fair towards people who want to do something, but are maybe not able to be as "radical" as you. By any means necessary, does not imply that all the people should go to the same extremes. Some are not able because they have a family, or other obligations. If that is bourgeois to you than I do not want to be part of your revolution. In my revolution there is room for people with families or people who contribute in other, less macho, ways to my community. Radical is more than breaking windows, wearing masks and burning barricades.
| krakers | anti-kraker - 25.05.2010 03:27
Hou nu eens op met dat kraken en lanterfanten. Het werd hoog tijd dat kraken illegaal wordt verklaard. Ga aan de slag. Stop met het jatten van andermans huis. Koop of huur zelf een huis, ga werken voor je geld. Hardwerkende burgers moeten de centen opbrengen die nodig zijn om jullie straks uit een gekraakt pand te gooien via een paar pelotons ME. | |
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