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FRANCE GETS MORE COOPERATION FROM IRANS LEADERS THEN THEY GET FROM TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ??? LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS APPLAUDS BOTH IRAN AND FRANCE IN SHOWING THE REST OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD HOW EFFECTIVE CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOUGE CAN BECOME WHEN VARIOUS OPINIONS DIFFER. ***IRANS LEADERS & FRENCH PRESIDENT NICOLAS SARKOZY BOTH DESERVE KUDOS FOR AGAIN REMINDING US ALL WORLD~WIDE THAT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN VARIOUS COUNTRIES CAN OFTEN TIMES BE WORKED OUT TO EVERYONES BENEFIT WITHOUT VERBAL OR PHYSICAL ATTACKS. MANY AMERICANS CONTINUE TO WANT TO POINT OUR FINGERS AT OTHERS FAULTS WORLD~WIDE BUT REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH OTHERS IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY WHEN THEY ASK REASONABLE REQUESTS OF US ? ***THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT HAS ASKED A CIVILIZED & REASONABLE REQUEST OF THE TEXAS STATE GOVERNMENT AND THEIR GOVERNOR RICK PERRY TO SIMPLY ALLOW THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW U.S. ACTIVIST PRISONER HANK SKINNER (WHO IS MARRIED TO HIS FRENCH CITIZEN WIFE ) THE ABILITY TO PROVE HIS INNOCENCE PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION IN TEXAS WITH DNA TESTING ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iran Agent Freed by France Arrives in Iran By Aurelien Girard Epoch Times Staff Created: May 19, 2010 Iranian agent Ali Vakili Rad arrives at Imam Khomeini Airport as he addresses journalists in Tehran, on May 18, 2010, after his release from a French prison. (Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images) PARIS—Ali Vakili Rad, the man who assassinated an exiled prime minister in 1991, is now back in Tehran, only two days after French student Clotilde Reiss was released by Iranian authorities and sent back to France. Rad, who had been condemned to 18 years jail for murdering Shapour Bakhtiar, then a refugee in Paris protected by French intelligence, could have been released earlier. Sorin Margulis, his lawyer quoted by France Info radio, “the Reiss case only made things more complicated and delayed the liberation of my client.” Margulis denied any link between Reiss and Rad’s coincidental releases. Socialist spokesperson Benoit Hamon however said on France 2 television that “to try to explain today that there was no compensation … is simply to consider people dumb.” Rad left France on the afternoon of May 18 by an Iran Air flight. He was welcomed, reports France 2 television, by two Iranian officials: a diplomat and a Parliament member. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS & WORKING POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY & ALL SEARCH ENGINES BY OUR NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E MAIL ADDRESS.
lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com (424-247-2013) *** PRISONER EXCHANGES IN THE REAL WORLD BRING US ALL CLOSER TO PEACE NOT WAR !!! |
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