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Olkiluoto Blockade: Saturday - August 28, 2010 NN - 26.05.2010 17:53
Olkiluoto Blockade: Saturday - August 28, 2010 Shoulder to shoulder the nuclear industry and the Finnish government are on an offensive to push for more nuclear developments in Finland. In the middle of April, just before Chernobyl Day, the Finnish government published their proposal to build two additional nuclear reactors. Our answer to this unbelievable statement is a blockade of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) at Olkiluoto on 28th of August 2010 as a signal to show peoples resistance against the rulers irresponsibility. When corporations and governments act irresponsibly, it becomes our duty to reclaim our own lives and future. On August 28 we will blockade the roads to the Olkiluoto NPP for one day with a colourful diversity of actions - sitting on the road we use our bodies to peacefully block nuclear power. The Blockade includes a picnic by the road, information events and other actions to make clear that nuclear power is not an option - not in Finland and not anywhere else! Networks and organisations already supporting this call-out: Nuclear Free Finland +++ Maan ystävät / Friends of the Earth Finland +++ Kvinnor mot atomkraft/Naiset atomivoimaa vastaan +++ Kvinnor för fred/Naiset rauhan puolesta +++ Aktionsgruppen för ett atomkraftsfritt Åland Stop the Nuclear Threat! The Finnish government wants two new nuclear reactors to be built in Finland - one on the Olkiluoto NPP site and another one at an undecided site selected by the EON-led Fennovoima nuclear company, either in Simo or Pyhäjoki. Thus even more dangerous nuclear waste will be produced, even though nowhere in the world has succeeded in building a safe final repository. Indeed, a verifiably safe final disposal of this radioactive material is simply not possible. Choosing to base our energy infrastructure on nuclear power will prevent significant development of renewables in Finland, leaving us with a short term energy policy and a long term waste problem. The radiation released by NPPs has been linked in several recent studies to significant increases in leukaemia, childhood cancer and other diseases. Also the likelihood of hazardous accidents would grow with the number of nuclear facilities and the associated fuel and waste transports. To operate the nuclear power plants you need uranium. Uranium mining is usually connected to the exploitation and oppression of residents of the area and the complete destruction of their living conditions by radioactive and highly toxic tailing ponds and uranium ore dumps. The reliance on nuclear power (both for energy and political status) increases the militarization of these areas which are potential targets. Nuclear zones dominate local areas and disempower the affected people. We want to empower each other to resist the destruction of the environment, the damaging of our health and the threatening of future generations. No new NPPs and no uranium mining in Finland or anywhere else! Shut down all nuclear facilities now! No nuclear dump beneath the Baltic Sea! E-Mail: olkiluotoblockade@riseup.net Website: http://olkiluotoblockade.info |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |