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Zweedse havenbond besluit tot blokkade Israel Matroos - 03.06.2010 18:15
De Zweedse bond van Havenarbeiders (Svenska hamnarbetarförbundet, the Swedish dockers’ union) heeft besloten tot een blokkade(van de havens) voor schepen van en naar Israel, als reactie op de wanstaltige aanval van Israelische militairen in internationale wateren op het schip Mavi Marmara, dat vol solidariteitsactivisten was die humanitaire hulp naar Gaza wilden brengen. De blokkade zal op 15 juni ingaan en tot 24 juni duren. De bond roept andere havenarbeiders elders op om hun voorbeeld te volgen zodat er een algemene blokkade van Israelische goederen ingesteld kan worden, totdat de rechten van de Palestijnse bevolking gegarandeerd is en de blokkade van Gaza opgeheven is. Een Engelse vertaling van hun besluit: Notification of a blockade on Israeli ships and Israeli goods The Swedish Dockers’ Union has today notified its intention to enforce a blockade on all Israeli ships and goods coming from or destined to Israel that are handled by its members. The blockade will enter into force on Tuesday June 15 at 00.00 hours and it will last to Thursday June 24 at 24.00 hours. The reason for this blockade is the unprecedented criminal agression against the peaceful convoy Ship to Gaza. Several peace activists were murdered by Israeli commando soldiers and the other participants were detained without any justification. The Swedish Dockers’ Union, which supports Ship to Gaza, wants through this measure to protest against the Israeli government’s violation of international law by agressing a convoy of peace activists and emergency supplies to the population of Gaza, which is suffering an equally illegal blockade. The Swedish Dockers’ Union demands that those responsible for this outrage be brought to justice, that Israel pays respect to international law and that the blockade of Gaza be lifted immediately. The Swedish Dockers’ Union calls on other trade unions and organisations to take similar initiatives and calls for a general blockade of Israeli goods until the rights of the Palestinian people are guaranteed and the blockade of Gaza is lifted.. Originele bericht in het Zweeds: http://www.hamn.nu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=216:varsel-om-blockad-av-israeliska-fartyg-och-israeliskt-gods&catid=38:nyheter&Itemid=110 |
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