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8 juni demo Den Haag: Solidariteitsaktie met tweede karavaan Grassroots Projects - 06.06.2010 19:57
On 8th June a second humanitarian caravan will leave to relieve the people of the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala. They will try to get passed the blockade that has been put up by paramilitaries that are responsible for the deaths of many local and international activists. Tuesday, 08.06.2010 At 17:00 Mexican Embassy Nassauplein 28 The Hague more info:
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2010/06/67857.shtml |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Brigades back in the picture | nn - 06.06.2010 23:29
Nice to see that the international brigade movement is coming back! Together with actions like the Gaza flotila action shows the people united can not be defeated. Brake those who try to brake you, not for you but to protect those who cannot protect themselves! | |
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