Photos show Mavi Marmara passengers protecting and aiding I gar - 07.06.2010 00:15
Photos show Mavi Marmara passengers protecting and aiding Israeli soldiers An additional photo, not included in the Hürriyet gallery, but posted on theFacebook fan page of The Economist shows the same soldier, and the person who was holding him, while a third person administers medical care. (Thanks to for tracking down this picture)  Another photo from the Hürriyet gallery, below, again shows a soldier who appears to be getting assistance to stop bleeding on his face with a bandage or white cloth. Of course it is possible to give a lurid, sensational and imaginative, explanation to this photo -- as the Israeli army is trying to do -- and claim that someone is trying to suffocate the soldier! But given the fact that he wasn't suffocated and all the Israeli soldiers came home alive, the most likely explanation, that fits with all the other evidence, is that he was protected fotos >> Website: |