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Verslag soli-demo Helsinki, finland. NN - 08.06.2010 00:43
On the 1st of June in Helsinki, Finland, there was a demonstration at the Dutch Embassy against the proposed squatting ban and in solidarity with Dutch squatters. On the 1st of June in Helsinki, Finland, there was a demonstration at the Dutch Embassy against the proposed squatting ban and in solidarity with Dutch squatters. Around a dozen squatters and others attended the unpermitted protest, using a megaphone to amplify the slogans they chanted, so that the people inside, in addition to passers-by, would hear their demands. Also, a speech was held: "Today 1.6 Netherlands parliament will decide about the squat-ban in Netherlands. With that ban, they want to destroy everything thats different and autonomous. They dont want autonoumous places anymore where people can carry trough their own stuff, they dont want homes for homeless people. The ban will make hundreds of people homeless. In this situation when the homelessness is increasing all the time like in finland where you cant find cheap apartments anymore, it cant be the right way to go. The people who are deciding about the ban thinks that empty houses are more important than people. They wanna take away peoples homes and lifestyles. Just now in Finland there's two squat's eviction going on. Though squatting has a long history in the Netherlands they now wanna go to the same situation as Finland is. Criminalizing people, trying to make them passive is just going backwards. There cant be room anymore for banning people satisfying themselves and doing what they find meaning full. We have to stop the repression! And all the squatters in world wont pass the ban, we will continue fighting. stop the squat-ban." |
Lees meer over: europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | cool! | nn - 08.06.2010 00:58
so cool that from everywhere solidarity-reports drop in. It's really heartbreaking to see that so many people are still with us in our squatting-struggle keep up the good work there in Finland, united we stand! never give in, always win! | |
aanvullingen | |