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Jongeren Mielieu Actief.Oplosingen.Video int. Roots 5 Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 24.06.2010 01:27
link to 5th part of interviews from Amsterdam Roots Festival + info about JMA and Campaign against Shell in Nigeria Jongeren Mielieu Actief.Oplosingen.Video interview at Amsterdam Roots Festival  Spirit Of Squatters Collective Here You can see video: http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/06/jongeren-mielieu-actiefoplosingenvideo_23.html Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video ! Here is the plan of the Following movies: (At the earlier posts You can see already those movies which are written thick) 1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation 2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters 3. Jongeren Milieu Actief tegen Shell actie. 4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects. 5. Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights 6.Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth. Also all "Roots" interviews we played in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm (soon on the net;) Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!
http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters Jongeren Milieu Actief (JMA www.jma.org) is dé jongeren milieuorganisatie van Nederland voor en door jongeren tussen 12 en 28 jaar. Op een creatieve, ludieke en positieve manier gaat JMA aan de slag met thema's als klimaatverandering, veehouderijen of duurzame consumptie! Wij geven jongeren, bedrijfsleven en de overheid alternatieven voor een schone en duurzame wereld. Nigeria is on fire. Shell Stop it! Gas flaring: Natural gas is often released in the extraction of oil in Nigeria. Shell sets this gas on fire. This gas flaring releases large quantities of greenhouse gas. Furthermore, it wastes an enormous amount of energy that Nigeria could put to good use.In this factsheet, Milieudefensie [Friends of the Earth Netherlands] presents information on gas flaring in Nigeria.What is flaring? Oil and gas are usually found together. Gas is thus nearly always released in oil production. This gas is usually gathered and used or reinjected into the ground. If the gas is not gathered, it is set on fire,called flaring. In most countries flaring is no longer permitted (1). In fact, Shell only still flares associated gas on a large scale in Nigeria. Shell in Nigeria Shell has been one of the key players in oil production in Nigeria since 1953. The company cooperates with the Nigerian government in a joint venture. Shell is the operator in this venture: the party that extracts the oil from the ground. Gas flaring began when Nigeria was still a British colony and oil extraction started in the late 1950s. Over the course of time, the negative consequences of flaring have become clear. Flaring in Nigeria has therefore been prohibited in theory since 1984. Major political interests: The Nigerian government obtains more than 80 percent of its income from profits and taxes from the oil industry.The Nigerian government has already been working on stopping flaring for more than ten years,but the deadline for the oil companies, the moment at which the government actually starts collecting fines, has been repeatedly postponed. Analysts expect that this will continue to be the case, even in 2012.The Nigerian government, the political elite and the oil concerns are extremely interdependent. The gasflares: Shell presently has a total of 110 gas flares burning in Nigeria. Most of the flares are located in the Niger Delta. The pipes emit immense quantities of heat and noise. The effect is intensified by the fact that they are positioned horizontally. Some of the flares are less than 200 metres from a village. Shell gas flaring locations in Nigeria. Consequences to the climate Gas flaring in Nigeria makes a major contribution to climate change. Greenhouse gases methane and CO2 are released when the gas is burned. Shell's gas flares in Nigeria emit as much greenhouse gas as four million passenger cars, half of all the cars in the Netherlands. That is nine tonnes of greenhouse gas per year. The consequences of climate change are already noticeable in Nigeria. In the north, extreme rainfall in regions that are normally dry as dust caused severe flooding in 2009 and many homes made from clay and mud collapsed. Consequences for residents of the Niger Delta: People who live nearby the flaring installations suffer from the deafening noise and scorching heat that come from the flares. Day and night they inhale toxic vapours from the flares, which leads to asthma,respiratory ailments and cancer. This causes hundreds of thousands of asthma attacks and dozens of fatalities per year among the 300,000 inhabitants in the state of Bayelsa alone. Wasted energy, wasted money: The gas that is flared is simply natural gas, which could be used in electric power plants or exported as liquefied natural gas (LNG). In Nigeria, Shell burns off an amount of useable natural gas equivalent to the use of threequarters of all Dutch central heating installations and boilers. In Nigeria, 1.5 billion dollars worth of gas was burned in 2007 alone. It is estimated that 27 billion dollars worth of gas has been wasted over the years. It is therefore even more distressing that the people who live beside the gas flares often have to make do with no electricity. Shell's broken promises: Year after year, Shell has promised to extinguish the flares. But the company has not yet kept its promise. Shell made a great show of announcing it would stop the flaring in 2009, but in 2009 not a single flare was put out.It is true that the amount of gas Shell flares in Nigeria has dropped by 30 per cent in recent years.This is partially due to Shell's gas projects such aselectric power plants. But the main reason is the closure of the oil flow in Ogoniland by government order. This occurred following large-scale protests bylocal people against pollution by Shell.Why doesn't Shell stop?Shell places the blame for lagging progress on the Nigerian government, which has not been willing to co-finance investments. Shell works with the Nigerian government in a joint venture, in which Shell is responsible for extraction of the oil. Local people have also been said to block access to installations. If Shell really wanted to stop the flaring, it has the financial and technical means to do so, and its influence in Nigeria is sufficient. Shell is a major player in Nigeria in the field of oil extraction. The company thus bears a great responsibility for the problems created by oil production. Shell's own 'Business Principles' state that the company wants to operate as a responsible member of society. Milieudefensie believes that corporate responsibility means that oil operations must be stopped if safety or the environment is endangered, until measures can be taken to prevent damage. E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | idea? | nn - 24.06.2010 07:41
Perhaps it is a good idea if spirit of squatters puts all the films in 1 indymedia topic. because right now allot of other news doesn't get any attention because there are 5 articles about 1 event on indymedia newswire. Other articles deserve the same attention as spirit of squatters offcourse. Greetings | |
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