Poland: Rafal Górski, anarchist activist, died no gods, no masters - 05.07.2010 22:29
4 July, after a long-term disease Rafał Górski died.  He was an anarchist and an activist of the Worker's Initiative Trade Union and the anarchist movement, a researcher of history of syndicalism and anarchism, an author of numerous articles and books. The Worker's Initiative Trade Union is in mourning after the loss of a remarkable animator of union activities, a man of great authority. For many of us this is a loss of one of our closest friends. Rafał Górski was born in 1973 in Krakow. In the years 1988-1990 he was active in the structures of anti-regime opposition, and since 1991 he was linked with the Anarchist Federation, and later with the Worker's Initiative Trade Union. He was an organizer and a participant of many social protests, he was repeatedly stopped by police and imprisoned. Rafał Górski suffered from cancer for many years. In September 2009, after blocking an eviction, he was hospitalized. Injure of spine and a relapse were stated. Despite two serious operations, he failed to obtain a clear and long-lasting improvement in health. In recent months Rafał Górski was fighting the disease and till the very end he tried to actively support the syndicalist and the anarchist movement. We bid farewell to a remarkable social activist, researcher, writer and above all a human being devoted to other people. |