EYFA NetworkNews actioncamps,festivals etc.IDEAs4Holidays mgriks(at)gmail.com - 06.07.2010 03:39
EYFA Network News June: .on Global Matters (3) - IDEA'S FOR HOLIDAYS EYFA Network News June: .on Global Matters (3) - IDEA'S FOR HOLIDAYS *EYFA NETWORK NEWS* EYFA newsletter is a tool to spread information on campaigns, actions, meetings and convergence happening around Europe and beyond. Info is forwarded to our network e-list and to network partners and contacts. Please send us info if you have news to be spread. --- -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - -- --- - --- -- --- -- - - --- -- - - .on Global Matters (3) Again this summer there are lots of events and gatherings planned around Europe to keep you busy. From climate camps (lots of them!) to Queeruption, anti-nuclear action to a No Border camp, there's lots to get stuck into – wherever you are. Have an event planned this summer or autumn that we've forgotten to include? Email eyfa [at] eyfa.org and we'll add it to the website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Contents* *1.Baltic Sea Anti-Nuclear Info Tour *2.Ecotopia Biketour *3.European Social Forum *4.Nordic Climate Camp *5.Camp Action Climat *6.Climate Action Camp Belgium *7.Young Friends of the Earth Summer Camp *8.Transnational D.I.Y. Solar Power Workshop *9.Queeruption *10.Ecotopia2010 *11.Earth First Summer Gathering *12.Camp For Climate Action *13.Klima Camp *14.Olkiluoto Blockade *15.Trident Ploughshares Summer Gathering *16.Libertarian Media Fair *17.No Border Camp Brussels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1. Baltic Sea Anti-Nuclear Info Tour
http://www.greenkids.de/europas-atomerbe/index.php/Action:Infotour_Around_The_Baltic_Sea June 19-August 20 Finland-Russia-Latvia-Lithuania-Poland-Germany-Denmark-Sweden Over the next two months the Baltic Sea Anti-Nuclear Info Tour will travel about 6000 kilometers around the Baltic Sea to raise awareness about the nuclear threats to this inland sea – the most radioactive sea in the world. There will be stops in 13 cities, where the tour will gather with local activists and organisations to educate about the risks of nuclear power, to take part in street actions and to develop the international networks of anti-nuclear activists around the Baltic Sea. To take part in the tour you can join for the whole time, or only for certain parts. You can also join for information events or actions at particular stops. Food and accommodation will be free or by donation. If you can't afford your travel costs, contact the organisers to see about help with these expenses. Tour schedule: - Åland (FIN): June 22-24 - Loviisa/Isnäs (FIN): June 26-28 - Helsinki (FIN): June 30 - July 2 - St. Petersberg (RUS) and Riga (LV): July 6-8 - Riga (LV): July 11-13 - Belarus and Vilnius (LT): July 15-17 - Jezioro Zarnowieckie (PL): July 21-23 - Greifswald (D): July 26-28 - Copenhagen (DK): July 30 - August 1 - Malmö (SE): August 3-5 - Stockholm (SE): August 9-11 - Olkiluoto/Rauma (FIN): August 14-16 - Oulu (FIN): August 18-20 For questions and to announce your participation please email tour[at]nuclear-heritage.net or call +358 41 7243254. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2. Ecotopia Biketour
http://www.ecotopiabiketour.net/ UK-France-Belgium-Netherlands-Germany June 25-August 31 A project for everyone interested in DIY environmentalism, culture, nature, community life and the art of travelling without engines – the exact opposite of an all-inclusive flight to the beach! Now in its 20th year, the Ecotopia Biketour will participate in campaigns at the places it passes: supporting front-line communities in reclaiming their land against polluting industries; debunking nuclear power myths; taking direct action against the oil and coal industries; highlighting alternatives to highway expansions; supporting the transition to carfree cities; at the same time as organising ourselves the way we wish to see global issues dealt with. Each week there will be workshops, discussions and (without doubt) fun & games. Some of the biggest stops will be at the Towards Carfree Cities Conference in June, the French Climate Camp in July and the German Climate Camp in August. The tour will meet, stay and learn from local communities who take sustainable development into their own hands: home-made, home grown, permaculture, renewables, recycling... You can join for the whole tour or just part. Check out the website for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *3. European Social Forum
http://www.esfistanbul.org/ July 1-4 Istanbul Turkey The 6th edition of the European Social Forum will take place in Istanbul under the slogan "Another Europe is necessary - Make them pay for their crisis!". The European Social Forum is an open space where civil society groups and movements opposed to a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism, and engaged in building a society centered on the human person, come together to freely share their thinking, to debate ideas democratically, to formulate proposals, to compare their experiences and to network for effective action. The fact that the European Social Forum is organized outside the official borders of European Union is important: this will support the expansion process of ESF to Eastern European countries. Another Europe is Necessary! All the preliminary information including how to register and attend are available on the website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *4. Nordic Climate Camp July 14-22 Skane, Sweden
http://nordiccamp.org The Nordic Climate Camp will link struggles for climate, food, autonomous spaces, equality and self-governance; supporting and strengthening each other and taking collective action. It aims to foster direct action targeting the oppressive and destructive system of capitalism and furthering grassroots alternatives. The focus will be on Shell's planned gas drillings in Skåne, which are at an early phase and can still be stopped by our collective power! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *5. Camp Action Climat
http://campclimat.org/ July 22-August 1 Le Havre, France This year's Camp Action Climat will take place at the foot of the smoke stacks: Le Havre is the biggest oil port and industrial emitter of greenhouse gases in France. The camp will send the message that it's time to leave fossil fuels in the ground – change the system, not the climate! The camp will be a self-organised, horizontal and non-profit space. By practising direct, disobedient, creative and necessary action, the camp aims to be one step in taking control over our lives and futures. The camp wants to show that the fight for climate justice and the fight for social justice are one and the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *6. Climate Action Camp Belgium
http://www.klimaatactiekamp.org/ July 29-August 4 Liege, Belgium After a succesful collaboration with Dutch activists to organise the first big Cimate camp in Belgium last year, this year's edition will be organised by a collective of Belgian activists. The camp will be organised climate neutrally and horizontally, as well as incorporating direct action. There will also be a full program of workshops. One of the camp's key messages is that the climate crisis is a symptom of a failing capitalist system; it is an urgent crisis which requires society to make a drastic change of course. The camp aims to be as inclusive as possible – it isn't just for experienced activists, but for all who are interested, want to learn more, and are looking for ways to become active. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *7. Young Friends of the Earth Summer Camp
http://www.foeeurope.org/youngfoee/summercamp2010.html July 29-August 5 Starbienino, Poland The Young FoEE Summer training camp is a five day long learning, networking and knowledge- sharing event for young people in Europe, from the Young FoEE and FoEE network. It will bring together 50 activists from groups across Europe, to take part in workshops and training on the issues they work on, and the skills and techniques that are needed and use to build effective campaigns and local groups to carry them out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *8. Transnational D.I.Y. Solar Power Workshop
http://www.coforum.de/?4865 July 31 - August 11 near Berlin, Germany At the Transnational D.I.Y Solar Power Workshop participants will learn together how to use solar heat with simple and recycled materials. Located at an autonomous project called Torhaous Trebitze, in the countryside near Berlin. The event will involve discussions, planning, building and a lot of learning. The practical part of the workshop will involve building different examples of solar thermic energy uses, such as a solar cooker and a solar shower. Participants should be able to construct and teach the techniques when they return home. There will also be discussions about false solutions to the climate crisis (ie: carbon markets), limits and problems of technical solutions, how to build up a renewable, decentralized and autonomous energy supply and visions for a different society and living well beyond capitalism. So far participants include people from Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands and German, but participants from all countries are invited. The main language will be English, but the organisers will try to accommodate non-English speakers as well. Please let them know if you can help with translation. Money shouldn't hinder anybody from coming. The workshop will be on a 'pay what you can' basis and travel costs from outside Germany can be reimbursed up to 70%. Email seminar [at] das-dorf.org or call +49 33844 51034 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *9. Queeruption www.queeruption.org.uk August 2010 Manchester, UK Queeruption is a free DIY radical queer gathering that has so far happened in London, New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Tel-Aviv, Sydney, Barcelona, Vancouver and Amsterdam. Each one is a little different, shaped by the people who plan it and the community that makes it happen. The goal is to make a politically inspiring and educational gathering open to all, taking initiative, creating and participating, instead of just consuming the gay lifestyle on sale. Past Queeruptions have included shared vegan meals, political discussions, direct actions, skillshares, workshops, bands, spoken word, dress up and cabaret, dance parties, bands, film screenings, radical sex, and more. Queeruption 2010 has just been announced to take place in Manchester, UK in August 2010. Keep an eye on the website for more details, or join the mailing list. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *10. Ecotopia2010
http://ecotopia2010.org August 1-21 Fläming region, Germany Until 2008 Ecotopia was an international gathering organised by EYFA for young people from all over Europe involved orinterested in environmental and social justice issues. This year some former 'Ecotopians' have decided to try it again, but this time it is for all ages. Ecotopia2010 aims to be a place for learning, exchanging experiences and spreading information about environmental, social, political and other issues. It will also try to be a functional model of self-sustainable community that puts into practice the principles of an environmentally friendly life-style. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *11. Earth First Summer Gathering
http://www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk/2010/front.html August 4-9 Derbyshire, England Earth First! is a network of people and campaigns who fight ecological destruction and the forces driving it. It believes in doing it yourself, rather than relying on governments or industry. Direct action is at the heart of Earth First. The Summer Gathering will be five days of workshops, networking and planning actions at a low impact eco-living camp organised non-hierarchically. It's run without leaders by everyone who comes along, so come prepared to chip in! Contact the organisers to contribute to the program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *12. Camp for Climate Action
http://www.climatecamp.org.uk August 21-24 Edinburgh, Scotland The Camp for Climate Action is a grassroots movement taking direct action against the root causes of climate change. This year it is targeting the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). Last year RBS were bailed out with £50 billion of UK public money. This bank is one of the world's largest investor in oil, gas and coal. From tar sands extraction in Canada to coal infrastructure in the UK, these projects are not just causing catastrophic climate change, but destroying the lives and livelihoods of people across the globe. Meanwhile, normal people are told there is no money left and to brace themselves for decades of public sectors cuts. Ecological destruction is built into the mechanics of the financial system, with communities disenfranchised from their own futures. This is why, in August, people from all over will be converging to take back power and Break the Bank! The sustainable and collectively organised basecamp will give you the chance to learn, train up, and meet like minded individuals. Exciting action plans are currently in the plotting stages – check out the website for updates. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *13. Klima Camp
http://www.english.klimacamp2010.de/ August 21-29 Erkelenz-Borschemich, Germany The Klima Camp aims to show that a high quality of life doesn't have to depend on a high use of natural resources. The camp is being organised around for core elements: workshops and discussions, participation and political protest, sustainable lifestyle and networking. The camp will be based near a large coal mine called Garweiler and on Saturday August 28th there will be a public action, which many different groups are being invited to join. Participants are asked to register on the website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *14. Olkiluoto Blockade
http://olkiluotoblockade.info/index.php/Olkiluoto_Blockade August 28 Olkiluoto, Finland Shoulder to shoulder the nuclear industry and the Finnish government are on an offensive to push for more nuclear developments in Finland. In the middle of April, just before Chernobyl Day, the Finnish government published their proposal to build two additional nuclear reactors. In response, a blockade of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) at Olkiluoto has been called for August 28th as a signal to show peoples' resistance against the rulers of irresponsibility: when corporations and governments act irresponsibly, it becomes our duty to reclaim our own lives and future. The blockade will last a day and include a colourful diversity of actions - sitting on the road bodies will be used to peacefully block nuclear power. The Blockade includes a picnic by the road, information events and other actions to make clear that nuclear power is not an option - not in Finland and not anywhere else! You can contact organisers by email: info [at] olkiluotoblockade.info or phone +358 41 7270620 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *15. Trident Ploughshares Summer Gathering
http://www.tridentploughshares.org/ September 2-6 Reading, England A chance for new and experienced activists to come together to plot the end of those nasty nuclear weapons. Join for a fun and action-packed few days of workshops and discussion, local networking and outreach, nonviolent direct action training, action planning and trips to the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment (where nasty new warhead developments are well underway) Call +44 845 45 88 361 or email tpgathering[at]yahoo.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *16. Libertarian Media Fair
http://www.libertaere-medienmesse.de/ September 3-5 Oberhausen, Germany The first Libertarian Media Fair for the German speaking world will be held from September 3-5. This will be three days of exhibitions, project ideas, readings, culture, events, meeting information and making plans for a world beyond crisis and exploitation. A large variety of libertarian publishers and other media producers will be there with stalls, including projects from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Turkey and the UK. The focus will be on German language media, but there will also be media projects in Spanish, Turkish and English language. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *17. No Border Camp Brussels
http://www.noborderbxl.eu.org/?lang=fr September 27-October 3 Brussels, Belgium The No Border Camp in Brussels follows the tradition of No Border camps organised all over the world since the 90s. It will be a meeting, a convergences of struggles, aiming to end the system of borders that divides us all. Like in Calais or Lesbos in 2009, it is about building a temporary and autonomous space of living, thinking, sharing (experience, skills, information and analysis), and actions concerning the questions of borders, migration and the right of freedom of movement and to chose the place where you want to live. The camp will be built up from September 24. Activities will begin on the September 27 and continuing until October 3. During the week Brussels will swarm with different activities about (anti-) migration policy and its consequences. The camp will also offer the opportunity to fight together with different action strategies, but also to build up a long term dynamic. Everyone is invited to participate and to propose their own activities and cooperation. E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |