FILIPINOS: Turn grief into revolutionary courage Ka Rosa Fahne - 09.07.2010 17:16
Learn from Ka Elliot, Cast away parliamentary illusions!   Jose Maria Sison We echo the call of the Philippine revolutionary forces that was posted on the Philippine Revolution Web Central on President-elect Aquino of the puppet republic to account and redress the fascist crimes of the Armed Forces of the Philippines against Ka Prudencio Calubid, his wife and other companion and for all other victims of forced disappearances and other gross violations of human rights in the past, and making those responsible pay for their crimes." A member of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Central Committee, leading officer of the New People's Army (NPA), Calubid and his companions were abducted on June 26, 2006 along Quirino highway, near Sipocot, Camarines Sur. The abduction, torture and forced disappearance of Calubid, his wife Celina Palma, niece Gloria Soco and staff Ariel Belo are among the most heinous crimes committed by the fascist agents of the US-Arroyo regime in more than nine years of its rotten and brutal rule. The fascist brutes are obliged under the International Humanitarian Law to provide their captives with custodial protection. We pay the highest respect for Comrade Elliot (Ka Baki, Ka Papong, Ka Alex, Ka Rito and Ka Dindo) for his steadfast loyalty to the revolutionary armed struggle, integrating with the masses, teaching and learning from life-and-death experiences of our proletarian cadres, Red Fighters, and the revolutionary forces in the guerilla zones and bases. We cannot but compare Ka Elliot’s stand, style, method of work in the revolutionary struggle. He is no Mandarin emperor, ensconced in a foreign land waiting for e-mail reports from lower organs and proclaims hackneyed slogans, and formulates tactics that are so out-of-place with the pace of revolutionary struggles. Ka Elliot goes straight to the masses and comrades to learn from their rich and varied practice in base building, armed struggle and agrarian revolution. That is the correct method of leadership, the use of the mass line that Comrade Mao taught us, of using collective leadership under our committee system to synthesize the scattered experiences of the masses. After the Party won great ideological victories in the Second Great Rectification Movement in cleansing its rank of Left opportunists and traitors, it loosened its guard on arresting the pendulum swing towards empiricism, and its manifestation on Right opportunist trend with its alliance work with arch-bureaucrat capitalist and landlord Manny Villar and tailism with the urban progressive mass movement. This traitor tactics have betrayed everything that Ka Elliot stood and sacrificed for the protracted people’s war, base building and agrarian revolution. Even among our revolutionary forces in the urban mass movement, the flagrant Right opportunism created confusion and disarray as activists and united front cadres campaigned not for the “tactical ally” Villar but for the landlord Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. Revolutionary propaganda were hogtied to attacking a faction of the exploiting classes running for the highest post of the puppet republic, instead of the comprehensive exposure and opposition of the entire rotten electoral system. But all is not lost as our courageous Red Army recovered lost ground in a series of tactical offensives to counter the grave confusion that empiricism and Right opportunism have wrought on our revolutionary forces. Meanwhile, arch Right opportunist and empiricist mastermind, Prof. Jose Maria Sison, continues to justify his failed tactics by blaming pre-programming the PCOS machines and campaign contributions of his pet ally Manuel Villar. We condemn Right opportunism and empiricism of the Party center and demand that it hold into account them into account, and make a public self-criticism to avoid future mistakes of the same kind. Let us do away with sentimentalism of his great contribution towards the formation of the renewed Communist Party of the Philippines under the guidance and great banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. He is now more of a liability than an asset as revolutionary practice has shown in the 21st century. We owe it to our revolutionary martyrs to advance our revolutionary cause and eliminate all those who obstruct its forward march. As Comrade Mao taught us, we are communists who are “unafraid of death by a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the emperor’--this is the indomitable spirit needed in our struggle to build socialism and communism.” Website: |