D.I.Y. BikeFest Programma Bike pirates - 20.07.2010 15:09
hey bikepunx, freaks and pirates, Het komt er weer aan! in het laatste weekend van juli strijkt het d.i.y. bikefest weer neer in de piratenbar in den Haag. Van vrijdag tot en met zondag gaan we samen sleutelen, slijpen, lassen, workshops volgen, eten, feesten fun&games en actievoeren! Its coming again! In the last weekend of july the bikefest will be set up at the piratenbar in the hague. From friday to sunday we will be fixing, welding, hacksawing, doing workshops, eating, partying and protesting together! You can find the program here  Friday 14.00h: - Workplace opens - Workshop making seed-bombs - Workshop sow your own bivak/bag - Workshop screenprinting 18.00h: FOOD (soup & BBQ) 20.00h: Alleycat race 21.00h: Workplace closed 21.30h: Bands – Hangouts - ??????? 24.00h – 01.00h vinyl Saturday 10.00h – 12.00h Breakfast 12.00h: - Workplace open 13.00h: - MIG lassen - Workshop wiel spaken 14.00h: LUNCH 15.00h: Workshop electrode lassen 16.00h: Bakfiets race (Cargo bike race) 19.00h: FOOD 20.30h: Tall bike jousting 21.30h: Bands: - Seein Red - Short - Suicidal Birds 00.00h – 02.00: DJ’s Sunday 10.00h – 12.00h Breakfast 12.00h: klein fietsonderhoud 14.00h: Leaving for meeting point CM 15.00h: Start of Critical Mass 18.00h: FOOD 20.30h: BikeWars we want you to be aware that this is an action weekend so besides having fun there are some risks and responsibilities. For example we would appreciate it if people aren’t drunk at the critical mass. And of course this is an id-free festival. Please read also the arrestantsgroup flyer that you get with this leaflet. For a successful weekend we like you to leave your dog(s) at home, bikes, dangerous equipment, loud music, loads of people, and actions don’t make a nice environment for them. We would also like to tell you that this festival is 100% d.i.y. and that we are not doing it to make any profit. If that happens we will save the money for the next bikefest and/or donate some to other good goals that need it. The whole weekend people are going to lent you their equipment and they would like to take that home the way they brought it. We don’t ask money for the food or the entrance but it would be nice if people donate some to cover all the costs. There are schedules you can put your name on to do a shift of cleaning or helping to cook. They are lying at the info desk at the entrance so please fill them in. On this festival we do not accept; sexist, racist, homophobic, or other antisocial behaviour. The delicious food that we make at this festival will all be vegan, you can see that as a statement, so respect that the whole weekend when you are on the terrain. E-Mail: diybikefest@puscii.nl Website: http://diybikefest.puscii.nl |