Solidarity night for Anti-War activists imrisoned in Iran Rosebud - 23.07.2010 11:03
August 2nd, Joe's Garage, Amsterdam Info Night: Sarah, Shane & Josh: three anti-war activists from US have been held in an Iranian prison, without charges, for nearly a year. Through their films, photography, writing and lives the three have spent years contesting US aggression in the Middle East and around the world.  flyer Sarah, Shane & Josh: three anti-war activists from US have been held in an Iranian prison, without charges, for nearly a year. Through their films, photography, writing and lives the three have spent years contesting US aggression in the Middle East and around the world. The US government has done little to get them out, so now it's up to us. Hear their friend, who was with them on the trip when they got arrested, tell their untold story, and see their work on social struggles in Iraq, Palestine, Darfur, Mexico and the US. Monday August 2nd 2010 Slidarity Info Night at: Joe's Garage Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam. Evening starts at 19:00 and there will be food as usual on mondays. More info: Here is The Nation report showing they were kidnapped: And here are some links to their work. Shane's cover story for the June 22, 2009 issue of The Nation, on US-trained death squads in Iraq: Shane's feature article for Mother Jones magazine on corruption in the Iraqi Awakening Councils: Sarah's article on women's struggles in Syria around a nearly-passed “family law:” Sarah's article on the occupation of the Golan Heights: |