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They shall not pass! - Dortmund will resist. Dortmund stellt sich Quer - 28.07.2010 23:34
For the 6th time neofascists plan to march through the city of Dortmund, taking the so called "National Day of Peace" as occasion. They mobilise from all over Europe to Dortmund for 4th September. After the neofascist deployment in Dresden which had been prevented successfully, the "National Day of Peace" is the most important occasion for the so called "autonomous nationalists" from all over Germany to present themselves. Dortmund has developed to an important centre of neofascist activities during the last few years. Brutal attacks on immigrants and left-wing youth, alternative bookshops, left-wing party offices and even private homes of antifascists happen more and more often. 1st May, 2009, neofascists attacked the Labour Day demonstration of the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB). The nazis claim that Dortmund is their city. We say - never! The police and local authorities have played down the gravity of the problem for years. This is why they are responsible for the strengthening of the right-wing scene in Dortmund. They have played it down although there have been already 4 murders going at the expense of neofascists since the year 2000: three policemen were murdered by the neonazi Michael Berger, the punk Thomas Schulz has become a victim of a young neofascist.But the police keeps acting in the same way: antifascist activities are restrained, neonazis in contrast can mostly act without any problems. The Day of Peace reminds of the fascistic aggression towards Poland on 1st September, 1939 - the beginning of a destructive war which set the whole world on fire and left more than 50 mio. victims behind. During the last years neonazis marched through Dortmund several times, bringing slogans like: "War - never again!"forward, then adding: "After our victory!" - this means after the victory of national socialism. The German neonazis follow the traditions of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). They glorify the unprecedented war against the Soviet Union with its 17 mio. death civilians and the unspeakable events of the holocaust. They deny the crimes of the Wehrmacht and the SS and wear slogans like: "My grandfather was a hero!" in public. With help of social and anticapitalist demagogy neofascists try to present themselves as "angels of peace". In times of capitalist crisis, they make use of unemployment, lack of perspectives and fear about the future - from which especially young people have to suffer - to propagate their racist and war glorifying ideology. Let us answer with our resistance and our policy of reason and solidarity! Let us get in the way of the next neofascistic march in Dortmund! Let us also require the immediate retreat of the German military forces from Afghanistan! We call up all the antifascists, trade-unionists and opponents of war and occupation to blockade the march of neofascists on 4th September!We will not be the source of any escalation. We express solidarity with all those who wish to confront the neofascists within eyeshot. Participate in demonstrations and blockades organized by the alliance "Dortmund stellt sich quer!". The 4th September belongs to us! When neofascicts march, it is our duty to resist! Alliance „Dortmund stellt sich quer!“ Contact: info@dortmundquergestellt.de Information: http://dortmundquer.blogsport.de E-Mail: info@dortmundquergestellt.de Website: http://dortmundquer.blogsport.de |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering militarisme | aanvullingen | |