Solidarity demonstration with Migrants without papers.Video Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 01.08.2010 22:18
link+info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective  Poster Solidarity demonstration with Migrants without papers.Video from the action during Climate Camp in Liege. Second video from third action at the climate action camp in Liege. Solidarity demonstration with Migrants without papers. Come to the camp. Be a part of creating the movement. Be a part of saving the planet :) here You can see video: Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!! Everything you need to know about the climate camp The start of the camp, on July 29, is approaching fast! Below you can find some last-minute practical info you may want to know. Only a few days remain to invite others to the camp; Tell your friends, and bring them along to the camp! Location of the camp You may have noticed the exact location isn't mentioned anywhere. We will be squatting the terrain where the camp will take place, so we don't want to draw any attention until the camp has started. The exact location will be displayed on the website at 00:00 on July 28. A delegation of the climate camp will also be present on July 29 between 9 and 13h at the square in front of the train station Liège-Guillemins, where they will guide you to the camp site. We're also reachable by phone (0484 380148). Non-violent direct action The big action of civil disobedience will take place on Monday August 2. On Sunday we'll have a whole day of action trainings and briefings. To guarantee the success, all information regarding the target and the action will be provided and discussed during the camp. Next to the big action, everybody is welcome to set up 'Do It Yourself' actions, or propose secondary actions the the rest of the campers. Minimal ecological footprint The camp strives to be low ecological impact. Therefor we ask you: * to come by bicycle (which may be handy during the camp as well), on foot or by public transport. If you do come by car, please consider helping us with camp logistics (transport of materials and such); Let us know at the Welcome Tent. There is no parking space in the vicinity of the camp site. * to use your cellphone as little as possible. It won't be possible to recharge your phone at the camp site; Charge it before you come to the camp if you want to use it. Participation Self-organisation is a central concept before and during the camp. Everybody is invited to join one or more working groups and help out with common tasks. Some of the working groups you can join in: welcome team, security, safety (electro, water, fire), toilets/waste disposal, children, legal, facilitation (coordinating meetings based on consensus), translation, medical, etc. If you feel like helping out in any of these groups, you can also let us know beforehand at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . At the start of the camp, we'll inform everyone about the different groups and tasks. We're also still looking for extra materials and equipments, such as big tents, solar panels, tables and chairs, etc. Financial Organizing the camp is quite costly, but we want it to be accessible to anyone! Therefor we ask a free contribution to participate in the costs of food and infrastructure. Every day we will indicate the amount received compared to the global cost, hoping that with all our contributions we can cover the total cost. Those who want can already transfer their contribution or donation on our account: 001-4334900-46 [International : IBAN: BE33 00143349 0046 | BIC: GEBA BE BB | Bank: BNP/Fortis Bank No-logo policy To avoid publicity or recuperation, we decided on a no-logo policy at the camp site. The camp is an effort of many individuals and supporting organisations. There will be room for flyers and other promotional material at the Welcome Tent. In conclusion * To participate you will obviously need some basic camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, mat). * A food collective from Ghent will provide us all with vegan food. * We ask you not to bring any animals (especially dogs) to the camp. Do bring your identity card. * There is a team of medics as well as a lawyer permanently present at the site. * Bring t-shirts to the camp to imprint them. Support us ! * Financial support: 001-4334900-46 [International : IBAN: BE33 0014 3349 0046 | BIC: GEBA BE BB | Bank: BNP/Fortis Bank * Promotional support: Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if you want to dsistribute flyers or simply get some for your organisation. This e-mail address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Any other promotion is also welcome!| * Logistical support: Expecting around 400 people, we need a lot of material. If you are able to borrow us some material, you can contact us via This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Non-exhaustive list of needed material: Tents, tables and banks, solar panels/ wind turbines, tractor, dry toilets, solar oven, hay bales, tabs to use outside, water containers and any other material that could be useful for the camp... * Active participation: From the set up of the camp till the end we will need a lot of people willing to do all kinds of tasks. In particular we need people to take care of the water supply, electricity generation, safety, as well as providing legal advice, help with conflict resolution, kitchen, translation, police liaison, medical support, dry toilets... * Workshops: We are looking for people who would like to hold a workshop on issues widely related to climate change. This can be anything from a practical workshop on composting to the tension between work and environment. If you have any suggestions, email E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |