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A CALL OUT for DAM SLEEPING ACTION 25.09.10 Dam Sleeping Action Collectieve - 13.08.2010 01:38
A CALL OUT!  Whatever They Say. Squatting will stay !!! A CALL OUT for DAM SLEEPING ACTION 25.09.10 A CALL OUT!! Anarchism is the great liberator of man from the phantoms that have held him captive; it is the arbiter and pacifier of the two forces for individual and social harmony - Emma Goldman To squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them and so empathize our call. To collectives, individuals, squatting info hour, squatters bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, concert places etc. To the LGBT movement, artist's, musicians, dancers, performers, film makers, photographers, painters, concert and festival organizers. To all squatters projects, voluntary organisations, give away shops etc. To all radicals, anti racists, freedom fighters, human and animal rights defenders. To all the people that are struggling for affordable houses (if you have finally been housed please don't forget about the struggle of others). To everyone and organisations that have had their seed planted and been allowed to germinate through the sheer inspiration that the squatting movement gave. To all those ... add Yourself or Your organisation if we forgot about it ( Sorry !!! the list is long :) YOU, YES YOU AND DON'T YOU FORGET WHERE YOUR SEED WAS PLANTED!! You are all invited to The Dam Sleeping Action 25.09.2010 from 19.00 till the morning. Take Your project, sleeping bag, tent, friends and family or anything else that makes you happy for that matter ( but go easy on the euro shopper beer, it's not vegan). We would like to show just one more time to the rest of society (yes you got it) the list of great activities that we are busy with. Displaying all those wonderful activities that the government would like to outlaw. This merciless law which in effect will only serve the ones that have and suppress the ones that do not have. It's the same old inequality story repeating itself. So let's send this law into oblivion where most of history belongs and write a different story. The whole action is based on Do It Yourself principles ( together is much more fun). If You think there are better ways at reaching out so that we can make this a night never to be forgotten. Then, please feel free to translate this call out into Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish or whatever language. If you would like to make an interesting flyer then DIY!! We are only too happy to shift some of the work load. Do It Yourself or organise in collectives to make this event even more great. You can contact us to let us know what to expect and eventually coordinate etc. Spread the message, plan, get active, time is ticking away very fast. We need a crowd so please spread the message, move your arse and get active. Oh yes I forgot one more important thing;- Believers of Fascism, Racism, and Bigotry. Please stay at home because you are NOT welcome.
damsleepingaction@gmail.com indymedia.nl E-Mail: damsleepingaction@gmail.com Website: http://indymedia.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | nn | nn - 13.08.2010 11:17
how do emma goldman and anarchism relate to "We would like to show just one more time to the rest of society (yes you got it) the list of great activities that we are busy with. Displaying all those wonderful activities that the government would like to outlaw.". Is it 'our' fault that squatting will be outlawed, because we haven't 'really' shown yet how great and inspiring we and our activities are? Of course not! We can keep on being nice and turn into some kind of cultural attraction or tourist artifact, still squatting will be outlawed. Why? Because society has become much more right-wing over last few years + squatting is not really such a big threat anymore: the whole squatting scene can easily be crushed if the government decides to. Unless... We stop playing nice and start being a real threat again. That means making every eviction a public disorder with economical damage to government and businesses. This is how we should try to stop evictions, this is how the government works with its laws, prisons and courts: deterrence. So lets make deterrence part of the squatting arsenal again. Sleeping at the dam might be a pointless act then from the perspective of stopping the squatting ban by being nice. It can be an important moment doe meeting up though, for sharing our secret actions, our plans, and inspire each other to what is to be come coming October :) | All means nessesary ! | Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 13.08.2010 13:04
Lucky here in Amsterdam and probably in other bigger cities the majority of the people are for squatters. Lets keep it that way. With the squatting ban, without working on "PR", our radical actions/defences could be easy shown by the corporate media as "crime". I read in the call out that radicals are also invited, so i would like to see finally squatting the "palace" during the sleeping ;). Together we are stronger !!! For affordable houses for all !! Squatters always for the society and with the society against government,austerity measures and exploitation! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com | @ Spirit Of Squatters Collective | NN - 14.08.2010 15:48
You say that in the bigger cities the majority of the people are for squatters. Maybe if you come out of your subcultural ghetto, you would see it otherwise. Also sleeping on the dam for you is about "PR"?, and our radical actions/defences could be easy shown by the corporate media as "crime". But then why would you like to see the "palace" squatted during the sleeping. Isnt that a radical action, that scares away the public you want to reach with your so called "PR"? I think theres better things to do than going to one of the too many parties, everywhere in the squatting ghetto. And I hope most people will see that "PR" is a bit too late, when te law is already accepted.
| where's the squatting ghetto? | nn - 15.08.2010 02:42
You say that in the bigger cities the majority of the people are for squatters. Maybe if you come out of your subcultural ghetto, you would see it otherwise. >> I don’t know about other big cities but I’m convinced that a lot of people in Amsterdam support squatting. This is in part because of my own experience but also because of opinion polls and a Parool survey, which show that roughly half of the population supports squatting. The precise figure, in fact, doesn’t really matter. Certainly some people will oppose squatting simply because it violates property rights. What matters is that more people will support squat actions if squatters communicate what they do and why they do it. Also sleeping on the dam for you is about "PR"?, and our radical actions/defences could be easy shown by the corporate media as "crime". But then why would you like to see the "palace" squatted during the sleeping. Isnt that a radical action, that scares away the public you want to reach with your so called "PR"? >> So you’re opposed to radical as well as fluffy action? Radical actions, too, can serve as PR. They may not convince the general public but they can show what your ideas are. The goal should not be to defend ‘squatting’ anywhere and anytime but to do actions that serve a purpose. I think theres better things to do than going to one of the too many parties, everywhere in the squatting ghetto. >> could you please start doing those ‘better things’ then? And please tell me where the squatting ghetto is. I don’t know of many squatting place left. And I hope most people will see that "PR" is a bit too late, when te law is already accepted. >> no, you’re really completely wrong on this one. People who have the law on their side don’t need to do PR. For years it didn’t matter much how people in general or neighbors thought about squatters because squatters could claim their rights. They needed to convince the police and judges, not regular folks. This situation is over now. Squatters will need public support (and radicals’ support) more than ever now that they can no longer rely on the law. | vertaling naar ruis? | coen - 15.08.2010 12:00
Waarom is het verzoek van nn om een Nederlandse vertaling naar de ruis verplaatst? Zo'n raar verzoek is dat toch niet? Het is op zich prima dat dit stuk in het Engels op de indymedia verschijnt, maar een Nederlandse vertaling lijkt me geen overbodige luxe. Er zijn namelijk nog steeds Nederlandssprekende (ex-) krakers in dit land, waarvan er vast een aantal het Engels niet heel goed beheersen. Ik sluit me dus aan bij het verzoek om een Nederlandse vertaling en hoop dat deze aanvulling niet in de ruis verdwijnt voordat die vertaling er is. | flyer damslapen | nn - 19.08.2010 16:44
 Graag verspreiden! Flyer voor het damslapen 25 oktober 2010 vanaf 1900 uur, ivm met het naderende kraakverbod. | datum | NN - 19.08.2010 17:15
Dat moet 25 september zijn en niet 25 oktober! | |
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