Call-Out to Support Finnish Nuclear Blockade, 28/8/10 NN - 15.08.2010 14:37
No more nuclear threat! Join and /or Support Nuclear Power Plant Blockade in Finland on August 28th! On the first of July Finnish parliament set a dangerous example to the world by approving the construction of two more nuclear reactors. Four reactors now operate in Finland, two of them in Olkiluoto nuclear power plant (NPP), the fifth reactor (OL3 by Areva-Siemens) is under construction also in Olkiluoto island on Finland’s west coast. We reject and resist the decisions to build new nuclear power plants in Finland! As a response to these frightening developments the anti-nuclear movement is blocking the roads to the Olkiluoto NPP and construction site. On August 28th, 2010 the Olkiluoto Blockade will take place. The action day was first launched by Nuclear Free Finland, Women for Peace, Action Group for a Nuclear Free Åland, Friends of the Earth Finland and Women against Nuclear Power. By now, 24 groups in have endorsed the action and this number grows daily. It would be great if your organisation could join the blockade as supporting organisation. We would of course also be extremely happy if people from your organisation attend the blockade. Unfortunately we cannot cover travel costs to Finland, but we can offer you a free ride on the bus from Helsinki to Olkiluoto and back. Free accommodation is available in Turku and Rauma, and camping places are everywhere! (Some background information below, at and Demonstrators will converge near the Olkiluoto NPP to oppose: -the two existing reactors -the building site of the world's largest prototype EPR-reactor -the world’s first ‘final waste repository’ -the fourth Olkiluoto reactor, recently approved by the Finnish parliament -…and nuclear power in general. We ask all to commit to making this a peaceful event, we do this with respect for the earth and life, no living creatures are to be hurt! -------------------------------------------------------------------- How to join the blockade? Practical Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Blockaders are asked to come ‘self-sufficient’ as there is no ’central command’ coordinating all logistics for the day, so get active! We have tried to help a bit… Transportation: You can travel to the action day by public transport, bike, car, or you can join one of the group transportations (see How to join? Check: Join! At *Helsinki Bus: Departs 17:00 Friday August 27. Contact: lea.launokari [at] Cost: approx.15-40 euros per person. (let us know if you can’t afford transport and we can try to help). If you want to join the bus from Helsinki or/and overnight in the hostel, pls confirm this at the lastest 20.8. to Lea Launokari: lea.launokari (at) Mobile: +358 50 552 2330 or Ulla Klötzer: ullaklotzer(at) Mobile: +358 50 569 0967 *Tampere Bus: Contact: mauriblockader [AT], Tel: +358-405330617 Public Transportation can be found at: (bus) and (train) Accommodation and Briefings: ---------------------------- *Blockade briefings on Friday 27.8 at 14:00, 18:00 and 21:00 at Nihattula school (Oikopolku 25, 26560 Kolla - 8 km from Rauma to Lappi direction). At 21:00 we will have the main "pre-blockade meeting" together: we will shortly go through the plan and issues that still need to be considered. * It's possible to sleep at Nihattula school over the weekend. (or camp anywhere and everywhere in the forest (legal in Finland!). * Accommodation in Turku (easy for ferries from Sweden) available on Estelle Fairtrade Ship, Contact: Hessu: hessu (at) Tel: +358 407563197 (also confirm that there is enough transportation to bring you to the blockade! ) MEETING POINT TO GO TO THE BLOCKADE: * On 28.8. 06:00 EVERYONE should meet at a parking place of ‘Ydinportti’ gas station in the junction of Raumantie and Olkiluodontie, yes, at 6:00am! From here we will move on together to the demonstration place.! * After-briefing and party in the evening of August 28, at Nihattula school (Oikopolku 25, 26560 Kolla - 8 km from Rauma to Lappi direction). * On Sunday August 29th, there will be a seminar on nuclear waste at Nihattula school. *Nihattula school has been reserved for the weekend for the action participants. People can sleep in the school for free. Bring your own sleeping bag and camping mattress. If you'd prefer to stay in Eurajoki in a hostel-type accommodation for 27e/person/night, contact: lea.launokari (at) There are also two camping areas in Rauma, and the Finnish law grants anyone the right to camp freely in the local forests. If you are arranging transportation, have space in your car, biketrailer, helicopter, submarine, or boat; please inform us: Olkiluotoblockade (at) or through: -------------------------------------------- Roles During the Blockade: -------------------------- We recommend that all participant groups select a media contact person who can respond to journalists and take part in press conferences during the action day. Volunteers are needed to work as safety persons or stewards during the action. (It's best if they have passed a course for it, but this is not necessary.) There is also need for more people who can talk to passers-by and for people who have first-aid skills. Sign up for these tasks by emailing: olkiluotoblockade (at) Information about the common events can be found at We will update the website as soon as new info is sent to: olkiluotoblockade (at) We have a legal support team and a jail support team – but especially if you have a car / drivers license, please contact us if you can help with this – we may need help picking people up from jail after they are released. There are various ways you can participate: you can join the "mass events", for a picnic on the road, be part of a human chain, lock on, tripod up, play music, volleyball and football at the same time or create your own imaginative form of resistance! You can be a ‘non-arrestable’ and give support to the blockaders with food, juice, songs and dances, do media work or mediate with authorities, or you can work out your own ideas for blockading in a small group by land air or sea. All the participants commit to the principles of non-violent direct action: no living creatures must be hurt. We recommend you joining an affinity group, but you can also come alone. The group doesn't have to be a ‘formal’ but can be formed by friends, neighbours, colleagues or co-conspirators. The affinity group people basically look out for each other while also enabling you to make quick(er) decisions to be effective in achieving your aims for the action. Remember to take enough water and food and appropriate clothes with you. In the end of August the weather is usually quite nice in Finland, it can be sunny and hot, but it can also be rainy and chilly. Also be aware of any medical conditions of your group members, if you need to bring medication with you, take the prescription from the doctor too! Help make the blockade visually impressive, bring anti-nuclear banners and costumes with you, and if joining the picnic you can bring table clothes, tables, chairs, games...antinuclear-Volley-ball and bad-men-ton especially appreciated! The intention is to occupy the streets to take the space from the nuclear industry back to the people! --------------------------- Groups and organizations: --------------------------- If you and/or your group decides to join the Olkiluoto blockade please inform us at: olkiluotoblockade [at] Promote the event in your area, plan transportation, fill up every seat, and bring all your friends and family! --------------------------------------------- FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLS CHECK THE HOMEPAGE: --------------------------------------------- email: olkiluotoblockade (at) ------------------ FINANCIAL SUPPORT: ------------------ If you want to support general anti nuclear activities you can send financial support to one of our partner groups: Greenkids e.V. BIC: GENO DE M 1GLS IBAN: DE75 4306 0967 1101 7406 00 Bank: GLS Bank Reason for Transfer: Finland Support Funds will be used for educational material, flyers, lectures and public meetings to build resistance to the nuclear industry in Olkiluoto, Finland generally, and everywhere specifically. --------------------------------------- ORGANISATIONS SUPPORTING THE BLOCKADE: --------------------------------------- Ydinvoimapaa Suomi / Nuclear Free Finland - Finland Naiset Atomivoimaa Vastaan / Women Against Nuclear Power – Finland Maan ystävät / Friends of the Earth Finland - Finland Naiset Rauhan Puolesta / Women for Peace - Finland Aktionsgruppen för ett atomkraftsfritt Åland / Action Group for a Nuclear Free Åland - Finland Hyökyaalto / Risingtide Finland Klimax Malmö - Sweden Baltic Sea Regional Radioactivity Watch - Sweden ContrAtom - Germany Ydinvoiman Vastainen Toimintaryhmä - Finland Laka Foundation Amsterdam - Netherlands WISE Amsterdam - Netherlands SOFA (Sofortiger Atomausstieg) Münster - Germany Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen – Germany MegA (Menschen gegen Atomanlagen) – Germany Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg - Germany Uusi Tuuli ry – Finland AG Schacht Konrad – Germany Edelleen Ei Ydinvoimaa / No More Nuclear Power - Finland Emmaus Jokioinen ry – Finland Luonto-Liitto - Finland Lapsi ja luonto -säätiö (Child and Nature Foundation) – Finland The Nuclear Resister (USA) |