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english translation | ZAG - 29.08.2010 19:08
Sunday 5th of september the anarchist library in Zaandam is dedicated to the struggle against the prison boats in Zaandam. During daytime we will work on banners and such. Around 19:00 a speaker will give an update about the current situation on the boats. After that, film. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration for closure of the prison boats! Saturday, September 25th, 15.00 h - Zaandam Since 2007 in the Achtersluispolder in Zaandam people are in prison because they have no valid papers. Confinement leads to psychological problems for many of these people. Stories of suicide attempts and psychosis never reach the general public because the department of Justice covers up these abuses. According to an anonymous employee of the department of Justice more than once prisoners with tuberculosis have been put on the streets without having received appropriate medical treatment. Prisoners who ask for medical treatment are usually just given paracetamol (also for anxiety, insomnia, colds, etc.). These practices must stop. We are not necessarily demanding better prison conditions, we call for the release of these prisoners. It is not the intention of the migrant to be stuck here, it is a result of corrupt power structures worldwide. We believe that you can not see migration separate from the current economic reality. Because the elite around the world wants to live an unsustainable lifestyle an intolerable situation is created for many people. Wars for raw materials and a predatory economic system lead to large migration flows. Instead of using all our knowledge and strength to work for a just world, our economy is focused on maximizing profits for a very limited group. Huge mountains of weapons are made to secure profits. In our view freedom of movement for everyone is far more important than the freedom of over-consumption for just a minority of the worlds inhabitants. Aside from critical thinking about migration on a global scale it is essential that we act when human rights violations are committed in our own community. At the prison boats in Zaandam illegal aliens are routinely imprisoned without knowing for how long. Raise your voice against this situation. We demand the immediate closure of the prison boats in Zaandam. Protest with us against the detention centre and the exclusion policies of the Dutch state. On Saturday, September 25th at 15:00 we gather in the parking zone in front of community centre de poelenburcht in Zaandam (Weerpad). From station Zaandam bus number 66, 92, 94, get off at busstop Weerpad. Stop the raging madness! Zaanse Anarchistische Groep Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam Vrije Bond www.agzaanstreek.wordpress.com
| Ook lekker eten | Chef kok sjonny - 29.08.2010 19:12
 Er is ook vloeibaar voedsel...
| "Sluit de bajesboten" infomiddag | AGA - 09.09.2010 18:17
 De Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam organiseert zondagmiddag 19 september een infomiddag in verband met de aankomende "sluit de bajesboten" demo. Er zal een spreker zijn die vertelt over z'n ervaringen op één van de bajesboten. Ook is dit een goed moment om even te komen buurten om te weten te komen of je nog iets kan betekenen voor de voorbereiding van de demo (moeten er nog spandoeken gemaakt worden, kan ik nog helpen met flyers verspreiden of 'ik heb nog een leuk idee voor de demo, wat vinden jullie hiervan?')Dus ben je gemotiveerd en wil je wat doen voor deze demo kom dan zeker naar deze middag! Verder zullen we, om vast in de sfeer te komen, ook nog wat video-tjes van akties rond vluchtelingendetentie laten zien. En dan is er tot slot nog een pan overheerlijke soep. Deze middag zal plaatsvinden vanaf 15:00 tot ca 19:00 in De Bollox, 1e Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://agamsterdam.wordpress.com/ | demo call-out in English | AGA - 09.09.2010 22:23
Demonstration for closure of the prison boats! Saturday, September 25th, 15.00 h - Zaandam Since 2007 in the Achtersluispolder in Zaandam people are in prison because they have no valid papers. Confinement leads to psychological problems for many of these people. Stories of suicide attempts and psychosis never reach the general public because the department of Justice covers up these abuses. According to an anonymous employee of the department of Justice more than once prisoners with tuberculosis have been put on the streets without having received appropriate medical treatment. Prisoners who ask for medical treatment are usually just given paracetamol (also for anxiety, insomnia, colds, etc.). These practices must stop. We are not necessarily demanding better prison conditions, we call for the release of these prisoners. It is not the intention of the migrant to be stuck here, it is a result of corrupt power structures worldwide. We believe that you can not see migration separate from the current economic reality. Because the elite around the world wants to live an unsustainable lifestyle an intolerable situation is created for many people. Wars for raw materials and a predatory economic system lead to large migration flows. Instead of using all our knowledge and strength to work for a just world, our economy is focused on maximizing profits for a very limited group. Huge mountains of weapons are made to secure profits. In our view freedom of movement for everyone is far more important than the freedom of over-consumption for just a minority of the worlds inhabitants. Aside from critical thinking about migration on a global scale it is essential that we act when human rights violations are committed in our own community. At the prison boats in Zaandam illegal aliens are routinely imprisoned without knowing for how long. Raise your voice against this situation. We demand the immediate closure of the prison boats in Zaandam. Protest with us against the detention centre and the exclusion policies of the Dutch state. On Saturday, September 25th at 15:00 we gather in the parking zone in front of community centre de poelenburcht in Zaandam (Weerpad). From station Zaandam bus number 66, 92, 94, get off at busstop Weerpad. Stop the raging madness! Zaanse Anarchistische Groep Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam Vrije Bond www.agzaanstreek.wordpress.com
E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://agamsterdam.wordpress.com/ | "close the jailboats" infoafternoon | AGA - 12.09.2010 12:33
Sunday the 19th of september the 'Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam' will organisize an info-afternoon in prepairation of the coming 'close the jailboats' demonstration.(A NoBorder action against the jailsboat on which refuges are being held captive awaiting their extradition) A speaker will give a firsthand witness report of his experiences on the jailboat. This afternoon is also meant as a prepairation moment before the demo. So if you want to know what you can help with (like making banners or spreading flyers or such)or if you have a brilliant plan, this is the perfect moment to drop-by. We will also be showing some nice video's about noborder actions against foreigndetentionjails, to boost the vibe for the coming demo. And last but lot least, there will be a nice (vegan)soup This will all take place from 15:00 on till about 19:00 at the Bollox 1e schinkelstraat 14-16, amsterdam E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://agamsterdam.wordpress.com/ | traduction en français | ZAG - 12.09.2010 20:34
MANIFESTATION POUR LA FERMETURE DES BATEAUX-PRISONS Samedi 25 septembre, 15h00, Zaandam Depuis 2007 on emprisonne des personnes dans l'Achtersluispolder de Zaandam parce qu'elles n'ont pas de papiers valides. Le confinement se traduit pour nombre d'entre elles par des problemes psychologiques. Les histoires de psychose et de tentatives de suicide n'atteignent pas le grand public car le departement de la Justice etouffe ces affaires. Selon un employe anonyme du-dit departement, plus d'un prisonnier atteint de la Tuberculose a ete relache dans la rue sans avoir recu aucun traitement medical. Les prisonniers reclamant la visite d'un medecin recoivent habituellement, en guise de traitement, du paracetamol (egalement pour anxiete, insomnie, etc.) Ces pratiques doivent cesser. Nous ne demandons pas seulement l'amelioration des conditions de detention mais nous appelons a la liberation des prisonniers. Leur detention ne prolonge pas l'intention du migrant, mais resulte de structures de pouvoir corrumpues dans le monde. Nous pensons qu'il est impossible de considerer la migration separement de la realite economique actuelle. Parce qu'une elite de par le monde veut poursuivre un style de vie insoutenable, une situation intolerable apparait pour de nombreux autres. La guerre pour les matieres premieres et un systeme economique predateur conduisent a d'importants flux migratoires. Au lieu de consacrer notre savoir et notre force a developper un monde juste, notre economie s'attache a maximiser les profits pour un groupe restreint. Des montagnes d'armement sont deployees pour securiser les profits. Selon nous, la liberte de mouvement est bien plus importante que la liberte de consommer pour une minorite des habitants de notre planete. Au-dela de la pensee critique et globale sur la migration, il est essentiel que nous agissions lorsqu'une violation des droits humains se produit au sein meme de notre communaute. Dans les bateaux-prisons de Zaandam, des etrangers en situation irreguliere* sont incarceres pour une duree indeterminee. Elevez votre voix contre cette situation. Nous demandons la fermeture immediate des bateaux-prisons de Zaandam. Manifestons ensemble contre le centre de detention et la politique exclusionniste de l'Etat Neerlandais. Le samedi 25 septembre a 15h00 nous nous rassemblons dans la zone de parking en face du centre social "de poelenburcht" a Zaandam (Weerpad.) Depuis la station de Zaandam, bus 66, 92 et 94, arret Weerpad. Zaanse Anarchistische Groep Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam Vrije Bond www.agzaanstreek.wordpress.com | Türkçe olarak | ZAG - 12.09.2010 20:36
Gemi-Hapishanelerini protesto yürüyüşü! 25 Eylül Cumartesi saat:15.00 Zaandam Evrakları olmadığı gerekçesiyle 2007den beri insanlar Zaandamdaki Achtersluispolderda tutuklu bulunmaktadırlar. Çoğu bu tutukluluk durumundan ötürü psikolojik rahatsızlıklar yaşamaktadır. Adalet Bakanlığının örtbas etmesi sebebiyle pek çok intihar girişimleri ve kriz vakası halka duyurulmamıştır. Bir adalet bakanlığı çalışanının verdiği bilgiye göre, çoğu kez tüberküloz hastası tutuklular tedavi edilmeden sokağa atılmışlardır. Anksiyete, uykusuzluk, soğuk algınlığından şikâyet edenler de dâhil olmak üzere, tedaviye ihtiyacı olan tutuklulara Parasetamol verilmektedir. Bu uygulamalara son verilmelidir. Bu hapishane koşullarının iyileştirilmesi için değil, tutukluların serbest bırakılması için bir çağrıdır! Göçmenler bu deliğe tıkılmak için gelmediler; onlar çürümüş dünya genelindeki güç dengeleri nedeniyle buraya itildiler. Göçün güncel ekonomik koşullardan bağımsız düşünülemeyeceği kanaatindeyiz. Bir grup elit sürdürülemez bir yaşam biçiminin peşinde koştuğundan pek çok insan için yaşam tahammül edilemez bir hale gelmiştir. Hammadde temini ve dayatmacı bir ekonomik sistem için yapılan savaşlar büyük göç dalgalarına neden olmaktadır. Bilgi ve enerjimizi daha adil bir dünya yaratmak yerine ekonomimizi küçük bir grubun gelirini arttırmak üzerine kuruyoruz. Silah sanayi bu küçük azınlığın kârını korumaktadır. Bizim için seyahat özgürlüğü küçük bir grubun aşırı tüketim özgürlüğünden çok daha önemli! Dünya genelindeki göç sorununa eleştirel bakmanın yanı sıra burnumuzun dibindeki insan hakları ihlallerine karşı harekete geçmeliyiz. Zaandamdaki gemi-hapishanelerde yasadışı yabancılar belirsiz süreler zarfında tutuklu bulunmaktadırlar. Bu duruma karşı ses çıkarmalıyız. Zaandamdaki gemi-hapishanelerinin hemen kapatılmasını talep ediyoruz. 25 Eylül Cumartesi günü saat:15.00da gözaltı merkezi ve Hollandanın dışlayıcı politikalarını protesto etmek için Zandaam Weerpadda, de poelenburcht sosyal merkezinin yanındaki park alanında buluşuyoruz. Buluşma noktasına Zaandam istasyonundan 66, 92 veya 94 numaralı otobüslere binip Weerpad durağında inerek gelebilirsiniz. Durdurun bu korkunç saçmalığı! Zaanse Anarchistische Groep Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam Vrije Bond www.agzaanstreek.wordpress.com | naar demo fietsen Amsterdam-Zaandam | Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam - 22.09.2010 20:15
 Beste mensen Aankomende zaterdag is er de Sluit de Bajesboten demonstratie in Zaandam. Aangezien de verzamelplek (Weerpad in de wijk Poelenburgh) best ver van het station Zaandam ligt en het vanuit Amsterdam net zo snel te fietsen is, roepen wij iedereen die vanuit Amsterdam naar de demonstratie gaat zich bij ons aan te sluiten. Wij verzamelen dus op Zaterdag 25 September om 13:30 bij het Domela Nieuwenhuis standbeeld (waar anders!), dit is aan het Nassauplein tegen over ingang Westerpark. Van daaruit fietsten we gezamelijk naar zaandam. Neem spandoeken, vlaggen, lawaai en creativiteit mee en laten we er een strijdbare demonstratie van maken. Tegen bajes en hiërarchie! Voor de vrijheid! Voor de Anarchie!
E-Mail: agamsterdam(A)yahoo.com Website: http://www.agamsterdam.wordpress.com | |
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