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NEEDED:statements of dutch cupcollectors on LOWLANDS NN - 01.09.2010 18:04
STATEMENTS FROM DUTCH PEOPLE NEEDED We need statements from dutch people who collected cups and came in contact with the security on lowlands 2010. Also we collect statements from polish people who have been in contact with security. U can also write us if you saw something on lowlands connected with that case. So if anybody dutch collected cups on lowlands or knows somebody dutch who collected cups on lowlands, please contact us. Then we will send you a list what you all have to write into the statement( in case you wanna help). You can write to noise4poor@yahoo.com THANX E-Mail: noise4poor@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | Statement | nn - 06.09.2010 07:21
"So if anybody dutch collected cups on lowlands or knows somebody dutch who collected cups on lowlands, please contact us. Then we will send you a list what you all have to write into the statement( in case you wanna help)." If you are going to tell me what I have to write into my statement why do you need my statement? I was planning to write what I witnessed and not what you want me to write. Maybe it would be better for you to come up with fake witnesses and fake statements. That would be less of a waste of your and my time!
| email | nn - 06.09.2010 14:13
i wrote already i will tell u what to write if u mail us...and its a list from our lawyer and just includes what happened and not what i want u to write....jezus really ...its really easy to prejudice people huh? | |
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