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Alarm! over emancipatie en rolpatronen in de beweging Alarm! Crew - 07.09.2010 17:29
Op maandag 13 september is het weer tijd voor Politiek Cafe Alarm! Dit maal presenteren we een avond over emancipatie en rolpatronen in de beweging. Mannen breken de deur open en vrouwen maken het pand schoon. We zeggen te streven naar gelijkheid, maar kunnen we het ook waar maken? Dagelijks komen we rolpatronen tegen, ook binnen de (activistische)beweging. Hoe gaan we er mee om? In hoeverre zijn we ons er van bewust? En was het “vroeger” beter, met alle aandacht die er toen voor was? Tijdens deze Alarm! avond willen we een respectvolle en opbouwende discussie hebben over emancipatie en rolpatronen. Een discussie waarin iedereen haar en zijn zegje kan doen. Tenslotte zijn rolpatronen iets waar iedereen elke dag mee te maken heeft. Politiek Cafe Alarm! vind zoals je van ons gewend bent plaats in Politiek Cultureel Centrum ACU. ACU, Voorstraat 71, Utrecht deur open: 19:30, aanvang: 20:00 Dus: ma 13 sept, 20:00, ACU, Be there or be square!! E-Mail: alarm(at)acu(dot)nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme feminisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | ruling techniques | zomaar een bijdrage - 09.09.2010 20:07
al staan we met zn allen aan de vooravond van grote veranderingen in ons krakers/sters bestaan, dit is en blijf een belangrijke discussie, hier een (niet door mij geschreven) stukje text met mijns inziens interresante inzichten die aan deze discussie kunnen bijdragen... the five ruling-technuiqes “Rulingtechnuiqes“ is the name for the five types of strategies that are being used, mostly by men against woman (becuase we are living in a patriarctic society), to mantain a hiearchy or gain controll and feel power in diffrent situations. Allso there are a lot of people using these techniuqes without being aware of it. As well as there are people submiting themselfes to them without being aware. If we all are aware of them we can notice them and prevent these technuiqes being used against ourselfes or others. Making someone invisible To not being seen or taken seriosly makes you feel unimportant and what you do meaningless. Ridiculing someone To be mocked, laughed at, patroniced or being compared to something negative. Keeping away information from someone To being kept in the dark, when its information that is affecting you or important for you and your not being told about it. Dubble-punishment To being told or treated as no matter how you do something, something is allways wrong. Making someone feel ashamed or guilty To be blamed for things to make the things you are doing less important. (Violence or threat of violence) To be threated or forced into doing something you don't want to do. People that are serious with their work for, or belifs in equality should take some time and recognize the ruling-techniques that themselfes are using in diffrent situations (housemeetings or when working together with someone for example) and point it out to eachother. To use these “strategies“ may seem inocent or harmless, but it's obviuos that these are a form of psycic abuse. Making someone invisible Example. Ed is for the first time organizing a big concert. He is nervios and sweating from his hands because its his turn to speak. ''Why am i so nervios? All the others act so calm and relaxed.'' he asks himself. The guy that spoke before where used at speaking in meetings, that you could see and hear.He was really convincing and where making a point, he is the guy who knows what he is talking about. When it is Eds turn he speak about his thing very fast, it doesn't take much time. And he feels like his words sounds like whispering, after finnishing he waits for the response of the others. But noone is reacting. The meeting continue as if he never said anything. Ed feels like shit. “Did I say anything stupid? Maybe it had been better if I never had opend my mouth...?“ To make someone invisible is when someone is forgotten, not being counted with or “runned over“.Making someone invisible is taking away their identity and reminding them of that they are worth less, that they are not important and what they do doesn't matter. Ridiquling someone Example. Lisa had just came back to her squat (where there is mostly guys living) after beeing at a conference about equality. It had been a really good one and she had learned a lot of new things. She where happy to come back to her house to share what she had been learning. “Was it a good conferance?“. Pepe asks. “Yes, it was a really nice experience!“, she starts. “We where more than 150 womans there and...“. She don't get any further. “What chicken-farm!“, someone is yelling. The other guys is laughing and are quick at comming up with new jokes. She tries to finnish what she where saying a few times but is allways interrupted by another joke. She gets angry and scream “Fuck you guys! You never listen anyway! “Hey but we where only joking!“, they defend themselves. “Yeah, but its allways like this when i've been away on a conference, you never think it's important and just som equality-bullshit!“. She gives up and goes to her room. Ridiquling someone is when a person are being mocked for what they do, laughed at or compared to an animal, for example a chicken. Like when someone is saying that women are more sensetive or meerly a sex-object or when they are being called cynic and cold. These things men are not normaly called even if they would have said or done the same. Keeping away information from someone Example. After the meeting: “Is someone up for grabbing a beer?!“, Pepe ask. “Yeah for sure!“ , the rest of the guys says. “Fucking hell“, Lolo thinks. He dosen't drink and don't really feel like going to the pub. But if she don't go she will not know the final decicions they will make. Because they never go just for a beer, the last changes and other important stuff are allso being spoken about on the bar. So he come with them to the pub. “But why does it allways has to be on their conditions?“, Lolo think. To keep away information from someone is when someone only speak about the important things to their friends (or for example between drinkingfriends, men just tell the other guys and not the girls) on their workingplace, in the colective or in the ploitical life. Allso when you are not speaking about “womens work“ as important or at all. Or any other thing/work someone is doing but noone is mentioning because it's looked upon as less important. Dubble-punnishment Example. Emma is calling her parents to ask them if they can watch after her son when she is away for a union-meeting. “Don't you think you are going away on too many meetings all the time, you never have time for your son!“ her mother says. Unfortunally she allways say this. Both of her parents think she is strange that allways goes away on meetings and never seem to have time for staying home with her son. Obviusly they think she is a bad mother, but they still agree on watching after the kid. On the union-meeting she is being asked if she can join a working-group that will meet up every second wednesday. “Unfortunally I can't“, she says. “I've promised my son to be home on wednesdays.“ She can clearly see that this is not good for everybody. “Together with my son“, one is saying mockingly. “It is really more important that we can get this done, but that's typichal for a woman!“ Dubble-punishment is when it's wrong both what someone is doing and what someone is not doing. This strategy is being used against someone there is prejustices against. For example when the womenright-movement is being accused for sepparating couples and on the same time not being active enough in the politics. Damn you if you do and damn you if you dont! Making someone feel ashamed or guilty Example. On the housemeeting Daniel is sugesting that they should make the meetings in a diffrent but nicer way. “Couldn't we try to make the meetings without the agenda and take turns on baking a cake?“ “What the fuck!“ Anna is getting mad. “We dont have the meetings to eat cookies and we can't have the meetings without the agenda.It's the worst thing i ever heard, we have serious meetings!“ “Yeah, but there is allways the same people saying the same things, so i thought that if we organize the meetings in a different way it would....“ Anna interrupts. “It's really not my or anybodys elses fault that not everybody says something. They could go to a argumentation-course. This is no kindergarden!“ Daniel feels stupid. Maybe it was a bad idea. What will the others think of him? You make someone feel ashamed or guilty by ridiquling and dubble-punishing someone. It is happening when someone is hearing that they are not good enough even if the reason is; 1. that someone is thinking or acting diffrent and in a new way in comparation to the others in the group. 2. that someone didn't have or get access to the information that the others in the group have. (violence or threat of violence is not really a ruling-techniuqe and basicly goes without saying. But it's a good way to compare the other strategies to see that violence don't need to be physical.) ................. | |
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