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English translation | AGA - 09.09.2010 22:47
"close the jailboats" info- and demoprepairation afternoon Sunday the 19th of september the 'Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam' will organisize an info-afternoon in prepairation of the coming 'close the jailboats' demonstration.(A NoBorder action against the jailsboat on which refuges are being held captive awaiting their extradition) A speaker will give a firsthand witness report of his experiences on the jailboat. This afternoon is also meant as a prepairation moment before the demo. So if you want to know what you can help with (like making banners or spreading flyers or such)or if you have a brilliant plan, this is the perfect moment to drop-by. We will also be showing some nice video's about noborder actions against foreigndetentionjails, to boost the vibe for the coming demo. And last but lot least, there will be a nice (vegan)soup This will all take place from 15:00 on till about 19:00 at the Bollox 1e schinkelstraat 14-16, amsterdam E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://agamsterdam.wordpress.com/ | |
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