Precarious-United vs Zombieland ^^ - 18.09.2010 10:59
Brussel, september 30th  smash ecofin Day One - Infection On februay 15th, Finance ministers of the eurozone ask Athens to take further actions to fight deficits with cuts in public spending or by creating new taxes. These austerity measures are set to be evaluated on the 16 of march. 28 Days later... Contamination On the 16th of march, Sarkozy calls Merkel : "Hi Angie, it's Nicolas. I've just talked with Strauss-Kahn, and it's all set..." This little agreement is put in place when Athens has to agree to deal with IMF, during an ecofin meeting the week after. 28 Weeks later, Epidemy? On this 30th of september, as Belgium holds europe's presidency, Ecofin is meeting informally. Which means everything really important will be decided there. The occult & invisible witchcraft of lobbies is spreading. Zombies are cooking us a magical potion to deal with the crisis : Austerity. The future they have in store for us means hell. We, precarious and rebel, know that this so-called magical potion they want to inoculate is a poison, a real knock-out. So, we have to act. Ready? |